Posted on 18 April 2014, 16:11 by:
GETR Posted on 18 April 2014, 18:18 by:
ranfan Score
Base +7, Bulopu +9, yellow-chan +5, hZi +6, Hannespannes +5, tobee +2, yoyo546 +23, MegaGalvatron -6, Tiru +4, Urmean15 +8, mijc517 +8, dullian +5
Base +6, stupid army -6, viewtyisbeauty -6, yellow-chan -5, hZi -6, RareTracks -14, tobee -2, Tiru -4, lansquenete +7, kurtis -7, Saltgunner -8, Denjiro -8
Posted on 18 April 2014, 19:25 by:
LeonADP Score
Base +6, Hannespannes +5, Freelance +7, TwilightRijax +8, yoyo546 +23, Marisa Kirisame +6, Zarasth +7, Narutu sand ninja -7, Feonax +9, Bigd +5, phangtonk +5, Vats330 +7, Mikegamer +7, and 12 more...
Posted on 18 April 2014, 19:40 by:
Timelink Score
Base +6, -Cerberus- +6, yoyo546 +23, Feonax +9, Tiru +4, Tsukimaru +20, ShadowJ +5
Posted on 18 April 2014, 20:12 by:
pussy69 Score
Base +6, tobee +2, yoyo546 +23, Marisa Kirisame +6, Person8 +7, Feonax +9, Bigd +5, phangtonk +5, Vats330 +7, RareTracks +14, Tiru +4, Trundle +6, Urmean15 +8, and 15 more...
Base +6, yoyo546 +23, werefox22 -5, Zarasth +7, Trundle -6, Huy +6, kurtis +7, kikimaru024 -11, Paptimus Scirocco -6
Posted on 18 April 2014, 22:40 by:
sonic207 Score
Base +2, yoyo546 +23, werefox22 +5, love chubby girls +4, hero_kun +5, Feonax +9, Tiru +4, Urmean15 +8, a4po +4, W3lsper +3, Huy +6, phangtonk +5, kurtis +7, and 15 more...
Posted on 20 April 2014, 19:00 by:
aradagi Score
Base +6, trueGAS -6, throwawayplastic -3, Person8 -7, MegaGalvatron +6, kulo80 -6, yoyo546 -23, HereForTheBitches +6, Tiru -4, lansquenete -7, kurtis -7, W3lsper -3, Saltgunner -8, and 1 more...
Posted on 19 April 2014, 00:42 by:
MmH Score
Base +6, Person8 +7, MegaGalvatron -6, werefox22 +5, Feonax +9, Tiru +4, Huy +6, Tsukimaru +20, ShadowJ +5, Marisa Kirisame +7, JKLNT -2
Base +7, yoyo546 +23, Feonax +9, XLS1 +6, Tsukimaru +20
Posted on 19 April 2014, 16:11 by:
if21 Score
Base +6, Seafoam11 +6, Blazephlozard -7, IGuest +5, mothball420 -6, Saltgunner -8, Denjiro -8, lansquenete +8, mashimizu +6, Tsukimaru -20, Marisa Kirisame -7, Paptimus Scirocco -6, lelhentai -6, and 1 more...
Posted on 19 April 2014, 19:16 by:
pixels Score
Base +7, Tiru +4
Base +8, Tiru +4, kurtis +7, Marisa Kirisame +6, Tsukimaru +20, Paptimus Scirocco +6, Huy +6
Posted on 20 April 2014, 11:35 by:
gozo__ Score
Base +5
Posted on 20 April 2014, 22:02 by:
minezgz Score
Base +4, kulo80 -6, Denjiro +6, kurtis +7
Base +6, freepinecones +5, Blazephlozard +7, mashimizu -6, Tsukimaru +20, Kianki +8, Marisa Kirisame +7, Spencer-Pootis +6
Base +6, XLS1 +6, YUXLOA +5, mashimizu +6, BPuff +5, Tsukimaru +20, Marisa Kirisame +7, rthrfrd +5, Spencer-Pootis +6
Base +6, hero_kun -6, Morphaz +5, Kirbster +5
Posted on 15 September 2014, 01:42 by:
S.D-kun Score
Base +6, Marisa Kirisame -7, Paptimus Scirocco -6, Saltgunner -9
Posted on 18 October 2014, 02:22 by:
RTZ Score
Base +2