Posted on 29 April 2014, 22:28 by:
Tunestwo Score
Base +6, QuakeWorld +12, Redlof +9, Bahamut03 +6, Hannespannes +5, hermit20 +6, nebafyer +6, gfrewqpoiu +4, Andrews188 +5, Hayley37 +5, fusionw +5, Captian Katsura +6, NeitherMyName +6, and 15 more...
Posted on 30 April 2014, 15:10 by:
Tnecniw Score
Base +4, Andrews188 +5, Captian Katsura -6, mimoman +6, Dommol +6, Anime Dominator +7, HonorableShogun +5, jfragrettel +6, TryBonk +5
Base +1, Andrews188 +5, Dommol +6, petradon01 +5, jfragrettel +6, TooMuchInfo +6
Base +6, nebafyer +6, Andrews188 +5, Captian Katsura +6, asahel +6, mimoman +6, Dommol +6, petradon01 +5, wohokoho +5, jfragrettel +6, raphael2 -6
Base +3, Captian Katsura +6, RatchRon +3, Maximum_Joe +55, NeitherMyName +6, Xenon +8, shaggy88 +6, ShadowJ +5, Laharl_EAC +8, drallyowl +1, mimoman +6, Dommol +6, Daymz0008 +5, and 7 more...
Base +7, Henry V +6, LanceDark +2, Andrews188 +5, Bananawallpaper +7, Captian Katsura -6, byehi +5, asahel +6, temiman +5, Goofy1 +5, MakotoIrving +6, mimoman +6, Dommol +6, and 7 more...
Base +7, Innis1071 -15, Louden -4, nlrrr -6, Zorlock -6, stabbybelkar -7, justicechi +6, gfrewqpoiu -4, Andrews188 -5, Captian Katsura -6, Baracchi -2, reaperxdeath -6, The_Pastmaster -7, and 7 more...
Posted on 05 May 2014, 18:56 by:
remi555 Score
Base +7, HUO666 +7, nebafyer +6, Andrews188 +5, Chainerman +6, Captian Katsura +6, byehi +5, oppaibakka +6, asahel +6, shaggy88 +6, mimoman +6, Dommol +6, jfragrettel +6, and 1 more...
Base +5, Andrews188 -5, Chainerman -6, somerandomdude33 -5, thejakeman -4, Correbara -5, Captian Katsura -6, shaggy88 -6, Dommol -6, joe375 -6, Corventus -2, Gordislan -6, Sol Negro -9, and 1 more...
Posted on 05 May 2014, 19:33 by:
a4po Score
Base +4, Andrews188 +5, Chainerman +6, Captian Katsura +6, byehi +5, asahel +6, twojababcia +5, mimoman +6, Dommol +6, jfragrettel +6, BenWhite93101 +3, voxxyn -9, ToniHD +10, and 1 more...
Base +6, Captian Katsura -6, mimoman +6, Dommol +6, icesonic +8, HonorableShogun +5, jfragrettel +6
Base +5, Captian Katsura -6, temiman +5, mimoman +6, Dommol +6, icesonic +8, HonorableShogun +5, jfragrettel +6
Base +1, Captian Katsura -6, temiman +5, mimoman +6, Dommol +6, jfragrettel +6, molten1 +7
Base +7, Dommol +6, jfragrettel +6
Posted on 07 May 2014, 20:11 by:
anonkino Score
Base +2, Dommol -6, molten1 -7
Posted on 08 May 2014, 17:38 by:
Janenba3 Score
Base +7, Dommol +6, Cestino +6, jfragrettel +6, aughterkorse +5
Posted on 10 December 2014, 03:27 by:
Titsplox Score
Base +6, jetstreamsam +1, eBay Huckster +6, Okuul +6, jfragrettel +6, The Inker -8, Deadban007 +4, voxxyn +9, holy89 +8, Draw99Gray +16, PregnantWhoreFucker +6, SSJ Wiggy +7, Asgth +6
Posted on 11 January 2015, 06:10 by:
alpx99 Score
Base +1, jfragrettel +6
Base +2, jfragrettel +6, BenWhite93101 +3