Base +13, C h a n +7, observer1980 +21, Vermillion612 -3, garrett1585 -7, The Inker -8, Stlabos -7, Herpaderp_123 +3, SmackerOfBitches -4, s@yumi -5, Shoess -6, felbot -6, RobotDemon -6, and 4 more...
Posted on 06 May 2014, 21:20 by:
AntiGod Score
Base +12, observer1980 +21, garrett1585 +7, tryptych +7, Stlabos -7, Herpaderp_123 +3, SmackerOfBitches +4, s@yumi -5, 名無し(Nanashi) +5, neoshingundam +1, fmoney963 +6
Base +6, observer1980 +21, Vermillion612 +3, yaoiboi +5, garrett1585 +7, Quatro Bajina -6, Traze +6, 50m3d00d -7, Maximum_Joe -55, malikski +2, trinitity +10, karyl123 -15, Haelhammer +7, and 24 more...