So a while back someone uploaded a raw for this book and I thought, man, I have that book and it doesn't look anything like this. I had a scan done on it, but I was gonna hold off on releasing said raw until a translation was ready for it. That all being said, it seems someone else used the other raw to do their own TL, so since there's a TL available I'll go ahead and release my version of the raw. Not too much of a worry, I'm sure a certain other group will be not too far off... ;)
tl;dr alternate scan that isn't ridiculously oversaturated in the red color channel
@Coconut: It had some basic stuff done to it to improve the image quality, but as always my raws (TIFFs) are available for translators who have their own way of doing stuff. I try to provide as good a quality a product as I can without ruining the original artwork and still being reasonable on filesize for E-H. Going crazy with levels tends to erode some of the original tones and while some people prefer that, I'm personally against it. Hopefully that helps. :)