Translated with Google: We put it together and filled with illustrations of the rough draft and still one that is half-hearted, but very Chakuirodori up has been completed. We wanted to sell it to complete some day, but he was changed a year, and it was made death is unavoidable, it is determined that no sense even poke any more .... Original: とても中途半端ですが着彩まで完了しているものやまだラフの段階のイラストなどを詰め合わせてます。いつか完成させて販売したかったのですが、年も変わってしまったし、これ以上ダラダラしてもしょうがないと判断してやむを得ず没としました・・・。
Extra: I don't take any credit, all credit goes to artist:イサム♂