Posted on 01 June 2014, 09:00 by:
LeonADP Score
Base +6, Jhyan +6, tkhang +17, AnimeLov3rxXx +10, SW_CGF +5, Extrema -5, leejunne +4, real_lain +7, AldanFerrox +6, JeiSan +2, GreyForce +7, manchux +6, Lemondrops -9, and 6 more...
Base +8, muhnig +5, leejunne +4, real_lain +7, RAGE1 +14, AldanFerrox +6, H-Viruz -6, AlexanderAkai +5, Fakeplastic +6, m1SeRY +7, tjabacka +8, GreyForce +7, Lemondrops -8, and 9 more...
Base +6, Lemondrops -9, Ianagiaiz3 +6, Denjiro +10, real_lain +8, MaryouFan +3, Alice123123 -5, resident88 +22, somedude99999 +10
Base +6, baba- +1, GBGX +4, 西门吃糖 -6, rmtq59 +6, raojason +2, resident88 -22, sonodaumi666 -5, uyrth02 +5, 米娜桑ぁ +6, M.KING +5, EquiinoIW -6, cwhaha +2, and 2 more...
Base +6, GBGX +4, 西门吃糖 -6, resident88 -22, uyrth02 +5, yxc6615 +6
Posted on 04 December 2021, 19:27 by:
oziah233 Score
Base +4, uyrth02 +5, Kwaq +6, 双葉美緒 +2
Posted on 06 December 2021, 13:27 by:
1oop Score
Base +8, uyrth02 +5
Posted on 28 December 2023, 19:14 by:
Claw111 Score
Base +6