Here's a backup of the material from the My Adult Little Pony yahoo group from before it was taken down. It was pre-FIM archive, and closed after g3 but before g3.5
There's a variety of artists in here and I can ID most of them; if you're curious on one, ask the number and I'll say. There's also a combination of canon and OC ponies in here, and some crossover stuff. I didn't discriminate on quality because as far as I know I'm the only one with the full archive of everything, and I posted it all except the photostories.
Pedrobeartimon: Yeah, it is the 80's and 90's series but if you tag "My Little Pony" the tag autocorrects to Friendship is Magic.
Yeah, that tag should be fixed because there's another gallery, can't be assed to find it, that is MOSTLY G3 and back but is tagged Friendship is Magic. Mods, fix your shit.