Posted on 14 June 2014, 04:31 by:
locofur Posted on 19 May 2014, 17:48 by:
LustLord Score
Base +8, dacoolman +7, GenGrand +4, Thoqqua +6, Soldier A +3, sadikus +8, ziom236 +7, rekon2 +6, giygaskiller +6, YaoiHentaiLord +8, Zeikfried +8, iWumbo +7, NavySpheal +5, and 30 more...
Base +9, GenGrand +4, Thoqqua +6, Soldier A +3, ziom236 +7, NavySpheal +5, dacoolman +7, rekon2 +6, kwijybo +6, ZenBook +7, Invisibull Girl +7, agar201 +6, XLucas25 +6, and 18 more...
Base +7, Soldier A +3, mysto0 +4, Thoqqua +6, skyller +6, dacoolman +7, jolog +7, rekon2 +6, Somraw +6, ExecutorBill +8, tiggum +5, GenGrand +4, kwijybo +6, and 50 more...
Posted on 19 May 2014, 21:56 by:
Catoson Score
Base +5, Thoqqua +6, ssjhunterkiller -6, dacoolman +7, kwijybo +6, XLucas25 +6, Kuwabara42 +8, Luke78 +9, 205780 +11, Justray +5, zoggyjones +10, ralas +6, Shylight +6, and 6 more...
Posted on 20 May 2014, 00:36 by:
Rubyko Score
Base +7, Thoqqua +6, dacoolman +7, scrappy135 +7, Invisibull Girl +7, Justray +5, zoggyjones +10, mojomunkeez +10, ralas +6, DEADXX +8, Brutalyte616 +6, xylem +6, james_stark -3
Posted on 15 June 2014, 14:37 by:
locofur Score
Base +7, Laharl_EAC -8, f1r3d0g -6, Thoqqua -6, ziom236 -7, kwijybo -6, Giangiotto -7, rambo voller -6, wankaaa -5, james_stark -3
Base +5, dacoolman -7, Anime Janai +10, Kuwabara42 +8, zoggyjones +10, ralas +6, Drakewyn +14, james_stark -3, alx34 +6, Sh@doW +8
Posted on 20 May 2014, 18:20 by:
hermit20 Score
Base +6, dacoolman -7, Luke78 +9, zoggyjones +10, The Archivist +8, james_stark -3
Posted on 21 May 2014, 17:31 by:
Inuyami Score
Base +6, dacoolman +7, XLucas25 +6, Anime Janai +10, zoggyjones +10, mojomunkeez +10, ralas +6, Shylight +6, DEADXX +8, james_stark -3
Posted on 22 May 2014, 05:54 by:
dap00 Score
Base +19, Kuwabara42 +8, XLucas25 +6, dacoolman +7, kwijybo +6, family.garv +9, 205780 +11, Justray +5, zoggyjones +10, mojomunkeez +10, ralas +6, Shylight +6, H-P +3, and 8 more...
Base +7, kwijybo +6, Enki17 +9, XLucas25 +6, dacoolman +7, Pinaen +8, 205780 +11, Justray +5, zoggyjones +10, ralas +6, Shylight +6, Dredlion +4, james_stark -3
Posted on 24 May 2014, 17:56 by:
melekain Score
Base +7, BigNose +7, 205780 +11, zoggyjones +10, mojomunkeez +10, ralas +6, james_stark -3
Posted on 24 May 2014, 21:44 by:
flash73 Score
Base +5, zoggyjones +10, The Archivist -8, james_stark -3
Base +6, thezig +6, Luke78 +9, The Archivist +8, Kuwabara42 +8, james_stark +3
Base +5, The Archivist +8
Base +3, Kuwabara42 +8, ZaininOmega +1, ss1234 +7
Posted on 14 June 2014, 07:01 by:
ranfan Score
Base +8, james_stark +3, ss1234 -7, SVRTEEN -7
Posted on 30 August 2014, 13:17 by:
Maryu Score
Base +6