Posted on 18 June 2014, 02:12 by:
S.D-kun Score
Base +6, BPuff +5, HorridGuest +14, Soulblade777 +5, applelolz +5, listerine +6, Otaku_King +6, vatar17 +8, Brickster +19, shuntensatsu +10, Gabil +5, Soluc +6, Starro +6, and 29 more...
Posted on 18 June 2014, 03:03 by:
vert90 Score
Base +4, BPuff +5, Otaku_King +6, shuntensatsu +10, N-tan +2, POOT +7, Enki17 +9, Anonyslime +7, surted -14, GhostStalker +7, Burgermeister +5, Forseon +6, Neopheonix0 +6, and 10 more...
Base +6, BPuff +5, shuntensatsu +10, Starro +6, Lizardo +6, N-tan +2, Enki17 +9, Yaeh +6, surted -14, GhostStalker +7, Burgermeister +5, Forseon +6, Neopheonix0 +6, and 12 more...
Base +5, surted -14, Neopheonix0 +6, ololol52 +5, Undeadcynic97 +5, elementalanubis +6, scrappy135 +7
Posted on 23 June 2014, 21:08 by:
Alesin Score
Base +5, surted -14, Neopheonix0 +6, Undeadcynic97 +5, fuccboi0008 +6, elementalanubis +6, aEverr +6
Posted on 26 June 2014, 12:05 by:
Hezard Score
Base +6, Undeadcynic97 +5, rinrikun +4, fuccboi0008 +6, elementalanubis +6, scrappy135 +7, ayanamiame +6