Base +2, kidhero -7, Und3adgam3r +7
Base +6, Eus +6, Timelink +6, waltergeist +6, JellyTime +7, krim1 +6, Weapon0 +6, heh...narto +6, biscuits42 +8, serenegale11 +6, Acerola +10, Mr.Sparkman +4, Celiacus +5, and 11 more...
Base +10, kidhero -7, Bukowski +6
Base +2, kidhero -7, Ziggy2012 +5, Bukowski +6
Base +8, kidhero -7, JellyTime +7, Weapon0 +6, Enki17 +9, durasteel +7, Showdao +6, fiestyferret +1, lulsluls +6
Base +4, kidhero -7, Crimson Savior -6, LeisureLarry -5, illegalcheese +9
Posted on 27 June 2014, 10:07 by:
auron187 Score
Base +8, Curious Horny Guy +6, CarparkC +7, Esura +6, NeoNakamura +6, Reynner -5, heh...narto +6, biscuits42 +8, kikimaru024 +11, DeathSkullEX -2, Eolz +6, Science Fiction +3, poop24 +6, and 5 more...
Posted on 07 July 2014, 19:05 by:
Narfy Score
Base +7, TempRarity +6
Base +6, LeisureLarry +5, Enki17 +9, Showdao +6, fiestyferret +1
Base +2, Romi the Byzantine +6, LeisureLarry +5, Enki17 +9, fiestyferret +1
Posted on 24 March 2017, 11:40 by:
Grimm139 Score
Base +5, JapGyaruThot -6, android 18 -6, temporary +7
Posted on 11 October 2017, 00:46 by:
Slobber Score
Base +30