Posted on 18 June 2014, 19:38 by:
tor85 Posted on 18 June 2014, 00:55 by:
nabusco Score
Base +6, jazma +10, Wilfriback +6, blunt005 +6, Zombie-sama1577 +5, scrappy135 +7, Strange Tamer +6, IronBridge +2, PinguPrin +4, Ach_Bernd +6, Shota_Cried_WolfGirl +6
Base +6, lastcorn +6, Hitoro +6, TDream +10, jazma +10, Leon_26 +7, 232321 +5, vapor +7, CX~DeribuRa +13, Ldark +2, TheMelancholyofAnon +8, Nights002 +7, Shoran +6, and 22 more...
Posted on 18 June 2014, 03:04 by:
pussy69 Score
Base +6, noeslolz +6, Luke78 +9, Hitoro +6, jazma +10, Leon_26 +7, ayaaaaa -6, 69flavors +6, Schroedinger -7, Fleegman -6, Kanuro5 +6, nolol111 +6, dyzzyt +6, and 15 more...
Posted on 18 June 2014, 13:50 by:
Soluc Score
Base +6, Nights002 +7, Nuclearmy -5, blunt005 +6, Zombie-sama1577 +5, scrappy135 +7, Huy +6, Deathscythe008 +6, Qneng +6, Tofu delivery +7, Jeiray +5, IronBridge +2, PinguPrin +4, and 3 more...
Posted on 18 June 2014, 13:54 by:
Fitnig Score
Base +6, ApeMan32 +4, usernamesss +5, Zombie-sama1577 +5, scrappy135 +7, Huy +6, Strange Tamer +6, IronBridge +2, damnspams +6
Posted on 18 June 2014, 15:32 by:
Tarrek Score
Base +6, Leon_26 +7, dirtyhairry +13, blunt005 +6, IronBridge +2
Base +10, dirtyhairry +13, x0006xp +8, tohsakarin +6, Shimazuki +6, MomentoMori009 +1, PinguPrin +4
Posted on 18 June 2014, 17:27 by:
El Buro Score
Base +6, Schroedinger -7, Vanitas1310 +6, nolol111 +6, usernamesss -5, BartSSJ -7, blunt005 -6, Budd -6, Postalowiec -9, Tofu delivery -7, IronBridge -2, Mr. Orange -7, Hyoros -8, and 2 more...
Posted on 18 June 2014, 20:57 by:
mgsfan99 Score
Base +6, Nights002 +7, rei4eva +7, Wootztle +7, Qneng +6, IronBridge +2
Base +6, Nights002 +7, blunt005 -6, IronBridge +2
Posted on 18 June 2014, 21:22 by:
fiscrest Score
Base +5, Hyoros -8, Vormik -6, tgsos +8, absolugom -7
Base +11, dirtyhairry +13, johnboy99 +8, Greykar +4, Elementxj +6, IgotSWEG +4, krim1 +6, panzercrust +6, ernie12 -10, paladin90 +5, Shimazuki +6, BookOfTobit +4, KoolaidMonstar353 +6, and 11 more...
Posted on 18 June 2014, 23:26 by:
Drigo Score
Base +5, TDream -10, Tofu delivery -7, Budd -6, dkst -6, PinguPrin -4, Hyoros -8, Vormik -6, DarkTirano -6, Und3adgam3r -7, absolugom -7
Base +7, Nights002 +7, PinguPrin +4
Base +6, TDream -10, ncc1701z +5, scrappy135 +7
Posted on 20 June 2014, 08:22 by:
ajay Score
Base +7, Huy +6, PinguPrin +4, Hyoros -8, onigirichan +6, furune +6
Posted on 20 June 2014, 18:25 by:
Elmion Score
Base +7, andre7 +8, PinguPrin +4
Base +5, blunt005 +6, Budd -6, Wootztle +7, damnspams +6, Huy -6
Posted on 25 June 2014, 09:11 by:
Hezard Score
Base +6, blunt005 -6, Vormik -6, absolugom +7
Posted on 01 July 2014, 21:23 by:
Henry V Score
Base +6, Angel Xtreme +7, Qneng +6
Base +6, PinguPrin +4, Hyoros +8, Und3adgam3r +7, furune +6, damnspams +7