Base +7, Xavier Blitz +6, RoflCat +6, HentaiM@ster +6, gestern +11, elda88 +20, dudemandude123 +9, Flammz +10, Narineko +6, BPuff +5, blueby +5, jatrat -8, jolog +7, and 22 more...
Base +5, gestern +11, dolphinslow +17, Tager +7, elda88 +20, Narineko +6, Fighnjaci +3, Amphion +5, fidazzle +8, georgef35 +6, hacklol +5, The Naughty Shrink +6, 霊烏路 空 +6, and 8 more...
Base +7, Xavier Blitz +6, HentaiM@ster +6, gestern +11, dolphinslow +17, Tager +7, elda88 +20, blagblag +7, Narineko +6, Fighnjaci +3, jolog +7, Avera +7, Kuroganemaru +6, and 16 more...
Base +6, dolphinslow +17, Tager +7, dualviper +6, elda88 +20, BleachD007 +6, Fighnjaci +3, bobloblaw +15, georgef35 -6, Anonyslime +7, Randomguy664 +11, Legojack +7, wertweet +8, and 4 more...
Base +23, gestern +11, Tager +7, elda88 +20, Narineko +6, Pikashi +11, blueby +5, fidazzle +8, 霊烏路 空 +6, Refyrsen +6, Dottboy +11, Hyoros +9
Base +25, surted -14, Irregular Hunter X -6, GalaxyClip +6, Dottboy +11, Hyoros +9, n00ps +6
Base +6, Dottboy +11, Hyoros +9
Base +4, Refyrsen +6, Dottboy +11, Hyoros -9, Pierzak +6, ghost_of_sanakan +7, HidekiSan07 +7