The gist I got was the latter was posing as a maid to assassinate the former, who is some kind of evil witch queen. And by "evil", I mean "tortures you and makes sex toys from your entrails"-evil. Raimerda is also a princess of a neighboring country that Aria conquered. Assassination fails immediately, then it's off to the tentacle pits. Highlights include:
- Aria has a tenta-dildo that is made from bits of Ria's older brother. He is still alive, somehow capable of communicating, and can feel every bit of pain as his BARE EYEBALL is shoved into his sister's pussy. When she comes, he goes squish and dies. (A fact Aria cheerfully points out). - Ria gets to listen in as her citizens beg for death while being torn apart and devoured by tentacle monsters. - After three hours of tentacle rape, Ria is thoroughly mind broken. She pulls a move on Aria and jabs some fingers up her ass. Aria kinda likes that, so she decides to keep her around, but only after a memory wipe that turns her into "Silphy", a kawaii moeblob.