Posted on 13 July 2014, 06:21 by:
Raidid Score
Base +6, Shinryu-Rex -4, elvendrunk -8, singingsongs -4, Nemesis2000 -5, Sock Monkey -6, UnknowDestroyer -6, Prince Claire -6, Pinkiiesxx -5, sarian -6, kit07 -10, DevilishInnocence -6, Kellah -8, and 3 more...
Base +1, aoi_higanbana +2, Shinryu-Rex +4, chinkoniisan +4, singingsongs +4, Yumeni +4, Nemesis2000 +5, UnknowDestroyer +6, Kellah +7, Pinkiiesxx +5, V1988 +6, Nahakii666 +6
Posted on 13 July 2014, 07:26 by:
Squatta Score
Base +1, Shinryu-Rex +4, singingsongs +4, Murra +7, Yumeni +4, UnknowDestroyer +6, Lilithium +6, Prince Claire +6, Chomper +6, Pinkiiesxx +5, sarian +6, ellana85 +4, DevilishInnocence +6, and 4 more...
Base +6, singingsongs +4, Nemesis2000 +5, yaoiboi +5, Sock Monkey +6, Pinkiiesxx +5, sarian +6, Kellah +9, ribbonfree +4, Nahakii666 +6
Posted on 15 July 2014, 16:44 by:
Mireva Score
Base +1, Kellah +9, Nahakii666 +6