Base +6, Superstevefive +5, Clying Funt +7, Keirnoth +6, gaging0 +8
Base +6, Superstevefive +5, LanSOADer +5, HornySockPuppet +7, LegoArielFanMaster +7, Clying Funt +7, Keirnoth +6, Konola +7, BlueThree +8
Base +7, Superstevefive +5, the observer +6, Clying Funt +7, RandomAnon +6, Keirnoth +6, gaging0 +8, FreeloaderEX +6, Konola +7, ayanamiame +6, Dinosars +7
Posted on 18 July 2014, 05:46 by:
x47 Score
Base +5, Clying Funt +7, Keirnoth +6, caucasianmagi +5
Posted on 18 July 2014, 06:20 by:
Sacriven Score
Base +6, 1349-Kun +6, rakies +8, LordPMan +6, kikimaru024 +11, Clying Funt +7, Watsa +8, familiao +9, hacklol +5, raikuzo +7, LanSOADer +5, Keirnoth +6, Lotrei +3, and 8 more...
Posted on 18 July 2014, 08:56 by:
elgringo Score
Base +23, son89412 +6, Clying Funt +7, familiao +9, hacklol +5, LanSOADer +5, somethingperson +5, Keirnoth +6, caucasianmagi -5, gaging0 +8, vovan400 +6, Rockstopper +12, oneiwonder +6, and 11 more...
Posted on 18 July 2014, 09:27 by:
Tepaa Score
Base +3, King Neodymium +9, Clying Funt +7, Keirnoth +6, caucasianmagi -5, Euphory +10, smika -6, ayanamiame +6, CyberZero -10
Base +9, randomname12131412 +6, hyunkell01 +6, Clying Funt +7, Keirnoth +6, Euphory +10, Syojima +6, FreeloaderEX +6, Sonneillon666 +6, Konola +7, ayanamiame +6, potato1919 +6
Base +6, LanSOADer +5, Clying Funt +7, Keirnoth +6, caucasianmagi -5
Posted on 18 July 2014, 15:31 by:
Mequemo Score
Base +7, starttostar +7, VolticChen +6, Clying Funt +7, Keirnoth +6, silentrunner +7, Konola +7
Base +6, randomname12131412 +6, Clying Funt +7, seebe22 +6, familiao +9, Di 2 +7, hacklol +5, LanSOADer +5, RandomAnon +6, lordoftar +6, XGas +7, somethingperson +5, Keirnoth +6, and 20 more...
Base +5, Clying Funt +7, Keirnoth +6, silentrunner +7, caucasianmagi -5, Konola +7