Posted on 18 July 2014, 21:52 by:
marc455 Score
Base +7, ghoulishtie -6, Neklin -12, Guiliant +8, msPaint +9, dexetus +6, Darworth +5, 1337faper +3, XY90K +6, hallowa +8, bogox94 +4, 1349-Kun +7, r3d_alert +5, and 4 more...
Base +6, Lord Dashwood +6, Fighnjaci +3, Tesshou Akumu +7, msPaint -9, Xenon +8, Fallendragonmaster +6, Hezard +6, Zelinko -8, draidon +6, Qwertylamb +6, King Neodymium +9, altereggo +17, and 51 more...
Posted on 18 July 2014, 16:42 by:
Nampe Score
Base +6, Tesshou Akumu +7, XY90K +6, Sonneillon666 +6, IvanZ +6, misaka2333 +6, Maxer123 +6, FuckGoogle +4, Kamesen-nin +6
Posted on 18 July 2014, 17:22 by:
ukshadow Score
Base +6, FIREexe +7, randomname12131412 +6, altereggo -17, horujik -6, XY90K +6, RedX07 +4, bogox94 +4, greenpeon +8
Posted on 19 July 2014, 14:59 by:
werty101 Score
Base +9, Guiliant +8, Zelinko -8, randomname12131412 +6, oneiwonder +5, Irvine9 +6, XY90K +6
Base +17, Guiliant +8, oneiwonder +5, Irvine9 +6, XY90K +6, bunchy bunchy -6
Posted on 19 July 2014, 05:09 by:
Yumeni Score
Base +4, Darworth +5, altereggo +17, dexetus +6, Irvine9 +6, zack11 -5, 259 +6, XY90K +6, Moonyz +7, NuFa -7, 1349-Kun +7, kingra3 +3, anon5678 +6, and 8 more...
Base +7, darkglow +4, XY90K -6
Posted on 09 November 2015, 06:58 by:
inmymind Score
Base +5, FuckGoogle +4
Posted on 07 December 2019, 15:25 by:
Med1um Score
Base +6, Fluffy Katana -7, FuckGoogle -4, rcxxxx -6, 4yyyy -6