...with special appearances by SpaceAustralia's Vashjere .
Limayra belongs to Lim of Fur Affinity, found here: furaffinity.net/user/lim . Vashjere belongs to SpaceAustralia of Fur Affinity, found here furaffinity.net/user/spaceaustralia .
Artists featured in this gallery (In no particular order once I finish sorting) include Adjatha, AlderGames, Aeron, AF, CrimsonInfiltrator, Demona69, Doomington? / Donovan, Eripuppy, Fleatrollus, Jujic, Kaihlan, Lemonfont, Luckster, Madturtle, Nazuu, Nightargen, Ninpunoka, Nyuunzi, Shintori, SlaveofNewOrder, TheBigMansini, UnknownCite, Vamptod, DemonRoyal, Xatiav, Summunster, XMLX, Skystee, DannyG, Futawing, Unifawn and many more.
Don't forget to check out the black and white stuff in the back; a lot of the best stuff is back there .
If I missed something, just let me know .
**looks like I did kind of a poor job sorting some of the pictures in the early middle first page. When more Limayra pics come out in about 15 days, I will add, reorder and fix the gallery.