So let me see if I get this straight The guy tied up is schnizel, he's been resisting geass recently so he had to be tied up and restrained because they still need him to restore peace to the world that Lelouch 'destroyed' so he can't be set free. Therefore Cornelia is taking care of him but he only obeys 'zero' due to the geass from the season finale so he rejects Cornelia'so attempts to feed him. Eventually we learn that 'zero' is still suzaku and he's been abusing schnizel cause he swings that way and keeps him quiet via geass? So what is this talk about gorging out eyes and how did he go from being scared of 'brother' in the beginning to strapped to a chair or when did the abuse occur?
Oh and by the way suzaku is such a dick. Hope there a sequel when he gets his geass command canceled and then rewritten to be schnizel's bitch. Not that I'm looking forward to something like that drawn... just I hate suzaku
Base +6, Yumeni +4, Shakenbytheviolence +6, Kouen_01 -5
Geass works through the eyes, therefore Schneizel thought if he gouged his eye out he will be able to resist Zero. Also I think he tied himself up to stop being compelled by Zero. Suzaku said the job of restoring peace is done, but he wants to keep him tied up and controlled, because he's a sadist. I'm guessing the way to control him was to not reveal that the real Zero has been dead for 5 years. When Lelouch was killed by Suzaku, Schneizel had his back turned so he had no idea all this time that the real Zero is dead. That's why when Cornelia asks him when will this end, she means when will Suzaku reveal to Schneizel that he isn't the real Zero and put him out of his misery so he isn't compelled anymore. The timeline is confusing, I think the beginning is 5 years ago when Schneizel finished his job of restoring peace, Suzaku started abusing his geass power(probably sexually) so Schneizel strapped himself in the chair/gouged his eyes out to try and stop being compelled.
Yep Suzaku is a massive prick, what else is new. lol