Gender Bender is the usual continuation of Nagata Maria (93-102) and also Second part of Kiryuu Masumi's Change! Nyotaika Sentou (71-92).
@E_G_G_S It's Part 2. This is probably after he's done masturbating. I'm too lazy to make a summary since I read really slow. You could look at the samples on dlsite.
The whole title is ちぇんじ! 女体化銭湯♂♀~俺のおマメが感度良すぎて困る~ Change! Nyotaika Sentou Ore no Mame ga Kandou Ii Sugite Komaru~ (Roughly: Change! Bath-House Feminization. My clit's sensitivity is too much it's a trouble.) Based on the dlsite's summary bathhouse owner MC finds a bath mix inside an old warehouse tries to take a bath with it and the end result is that.