Posted on 30 July 2014, 15:01 by:
Juni221 Score
Base +1, Lolimir +6, Flammz -11, poep -12, crazymagic -10, TheGeassWitch -11, Palaxius +32, H-P -5, Notalent -6, Reaper Ruka +5, Vieri32 -6, Zakuzelo +8, stupid army -7, and 11 more...
Posted on 30 July 2014, 15:41 by:
salar Score
Base +15, Ryaxe +4, ROTHY +6, Lolimir +6, poep -12, xBeowolfx +12, Palaxius -32, H-P -5, Sentinel77777 -20, lasertym -33, Notalent -6, Assiduouss -6, GhostStalker +7, and 5 more...
Base +7, H-P +5, Sentinel77777 -20, grey_side +6, Notalent +6, Reaper Ruka -5, userpas +4, Elbowsmash +6, Gikdin -6, PersonaFan08 +8, stupid army +7, UnknowDestroyer +6, Buraku-chan +8, and 39 more...
Base +8, xBeowolfx +12, Ser Maggot +10, TheGeassWitch +11, Reaper Ruka -5, userpas +4, Zakuzelo -8, Elbowsmash +6, UnknowDestroyer +6, Buraku-chan +8, KaInEvIL +7, Amodelsino +6, InnerSpirit +5, and 15 more...
Base +8, zukuenft -9, H-P -5, Sentinel77777 -20, Notalent +6, Assiduouss -6, anonywhat -2, Indoril +6, Palaxius -33, BPuff -6, Kyshatriya -7, Flour bed -7, animekid9000 +6, and 1 more...
Base +12, Sentinel77777 -20, Reaper Ruka -5, userpas +4, stupid army +7, UnknowDestroyer +6, Buraku-chan +8, anonywhat -2, RareTracks +14, Tibio +4, DarioEmpio -2, Atfoolish +4, NippleFire +5, and 13 more...
Base +8, hewhocumsbynight +7, Falloree -8, Demosthenes -15, player4578 -6