1) Done with colors, back to black and white scans. Still have few more books, but each is longer (=more difficult).
2) More Madoka stuff. Funfiction. LOL. Anyway, all those non-h are dedicated to the few guys who a long time ago donated few hundred hath to increase my non-h upload limit. Slowly but surely, I am paying you back. Have fun.
3) Please support the artist. With my limited Japanese, I cannot identify any page selling this dojin. If you can figure that out, please link it in the comments - perhaps several people will buy this, despite the overpriced shipping that plagues Japan. Unfortunately, as the Japanese are on average more backwards than the rest of the (developed) world when it comes to Internet business, I cannot direct you to a PayPal or a dedicated micro-donation button like Flattr. As always, I remain hopeful that one day Japanese mangaka will figure out that there's a vast population of fans overseas who are screaming "TAKE OUR MONEY", and adopt an internationally friendly micro-donation service. With that said, I want to do a little experiment: if this gallery was linked to a PyaPal-like micro-donation page where you could send any amount of money to the dojin author (not me, I repeat, to the Japanese author himself), how much would you send, if anything at all? 5 cents, 30 cents, a dollar...? FYI, this dojin was sold in Japan for around 2-4 bucks, IIRC.
4) I am willing to sponsor, through bounty system, a translation of anything I've scanned. If you'd like to TL this, PM me.
E-hentai tip of the gallery:
8) You can buy GP for credits at The GP Exchange here: /exchange.php?t=gp