1) This is the last Madoka work I have. I hope you enjoy it. On that note, if you a) can read the script - please consider giving me the script so I can have it edited, and b) I want to make a general comment on practices which seem relatively common among non-h dojinshi scanlation group, that is - not sharing the RAWs. Instead of a longer rant, I'll just say this: it is a short-sighted practice that *hurts* the dojin creators as it reduces their impact through viral marketing and corresponding chance of becoming known, which in turn reduce their sales. Japan should realize that's its cultural exports are booming not despite piracy, but because it. On that note:
2) Please support the artist. I wish e-hentai would do the same thing as mugi, which is provide a link to websites selling this work. If you like it, buy it at http://www.doujinshi.org/link/638067/ Unfortunately, there's no Flattr-like option preventing us from donating a few bucks to the artist directly. Sigh.
3) I am willing to sponsor, through bounty system, a translation of anything I've scanned. If you'd like to TL this, PM me.
E-hentai tip of the gallery:
8) You can buy GP for credits at The GP Exchange here: /exchange.php?t=gp