Posted on 06 August 2014, 06:23 by:
Dark Mac Posted on 02 August 2014, 22:13 by:
gravytub Score
Base +7, stayce +6, Neoseemer +5, Tamaki-Kousaka +8, RisingForce +4, SW_CGF +5, subbesnubben -6, fireproofemu -6, Krazylec +5
Posted on 02 August 2014, 22:20 by:
Nexev Score
Base +7, Amakawa_Yuuto +11, Dark Mac -9, Narineko +6, StepOnMeForever +2, traficantj -11, poep -12, GnosticCypher -5, ExManslayer +5, Fluffforgets +3, flash193 +7, greenpeon -8, LordPants +5, and 12 more...
Posted on 02 August 2014, 23:31 by:
memnarch Score
Base +9, StepOnMeForever +2, traficantj +11, poep +12, Nemesis2000 +5, Ativ +5, NobodySpecial32 +2, George642 +8, Tamaki-Kousaka +8, SW_CGF +5, subbesnubben +6, buuda +2, EmpressHarribel +6, and 3 more...
Posted on 03 August 2014, 05:13 by:
naughts Score
Base +5, poep +12, Atmoz +6, Seiguld +7, openminded20 +6, greenpeon +8, sgthale -12, subbesnubben +6, Acerola +11, Krazylec +5, moeeno +5
Posted on 06 August 2014, 08:36 by:
Unhultha Score
Base +7, Karism +8, Alnder +4, poep -12, PUNCHING PEOPLE +6, Nemesis2000 +5, bloggbigg +9, NobodySpecial32 +2, Fluffforgets +3, Ryaxe +4, greenpeon -8, PSIMagnetAlpha +7, sgthale -12, and 6 more...
Posted on 07 August 2014, 05:39 by:
mac77 Score
Base +4, Acevhg +6, flash193 +7, greenpeon +8, Nausea +5, Okenido +6, George642 +8, HallowedAtrain +5, Tamaki-Kousaka +8, subbesnubben +6, buuda +2, Ativ +5, SatuOnDrugs +6, and 9 more...
Base +7, moeeno +5, somercet +7, jessica702 -10, Dooderz -8