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Ponytails (My Little Pony)

Posted:2014-08-08 19:19
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Average: 4.35

Showing 1 - 33 of 33 images

Posted on 08 August 2014, 19:19 by:   Shimata    PM
Uploader Comment
Posted on 08 August 2014, 22:52 by:   l4chuga    PM
Score +26
Looks like a collaboration gallery for something, pretty good art here though. Also got a good laugh out of some of these.
Posted on 09 August 2014, 09:17 by:   blakfayt    PM
Score -61
Okay, normally I'm the guy that defends porn and says it doesn't promote a sexist view of women, but ... some of these are ... I'm really just starting to see why people think bronies and cloppers are gross. Kevinsano's contribution here especially makes me weirdly nauseous. *cue everyone shouting 'If you don't like it, don't look'* Well, I'm not any more. This was my opinion as someone that really likes a lot of clop art, but those 4 images and a couple of others just make me go "Uhhhhhhhhh, no, what were you thinking here?"

@Paizurikin: I don't like his artstyle for one, which is preference, and two I've seen the man's tumblr. Outside the art domain he's not a person I would want to hang out with. Additional Edit: It's not just his, I even said there are a few others that give me the same feeling. There's a level of "sex on the job" where the job looks like sex that I become uncomfortable with. The implication that this is a day in and day out thing for the character where I go "I don't think I like that." It feels less like a sexy pose in a place and more like "This is a fucked up establishment you have created. Why?"

@Drax: Your response became irrelevant.

@karadox: First, that dolphin thing has been rather disputed lately. And also, dolphins commit outright rape on human women too, so using them as an argument against sexism is shaky ground at best. Second, there is a limit to attraction. People find things arousing for a reason, something in them resonates with a desire to fuck. If you see the image and go "it's just fantasy" keep telling yourself that because you actually would want to do that to someone. As long as it stays there that's fine, but I happen to know that Sano focuses on the subject quite a lot, and I also find concerns with certain doujin creators that exclusively draw violent hentai. See, if you're focused on one specific aspect of a thing, it's more than just a fantasy, it bridges this gap into obsession. Even if it goes no further, it's a pretty hefty psychological sign. Go ask any psychologist what they would think of someone that does nothing but draw cartoons being raped. They'll give you a weird look and tell you it might be something. Finally, I understand fetish, and having them, now understand that there are people that like characters. And that extends to lots of mediums. I don't like seeing these characters in those situations, and that's my right. I also have the right to point out how I feel and why.

Also, I've been browsing porn for almost 8 years now, it's not that porn itself isn't for me, it's that the brony community puts out a whole fucking lot of rape and degrading these characters they supposedly love to see and are fans of. It seems kind of backwards to like a show that teaches little girls to feel that they're an equal part of the world, as that's what fans supposedly like about it, that the female characters are shown as being people and not generic girl characters, and then going "I'm going to draw them being raped, humiliated, and degraded for having a vagina!" As my initial post states, "I see why people think cloppers and bronies are creepy now."
Posted on 09 August 2014, 04:11 by:   Paizurikin    PM
Score +57
Fucking really, blakfayt? Take your shit elsewhere. Kevinsano's art is fine, it might even be some of the best out of this collection.

edit: I'd really like to know what is wrong with the drawings by kevinsano in this gallery (other than the style) in comparison to other artists. Just what is it that irks you so much about his art specifically, blakfayt? I see nothing wrong with the situation the character is in.
Posted on 09 August 2014, 00:20 by:   Drax    PM
Score +77
@ blakfayt

They aren't women, they're hourses..CARTOON horses..
Posted on 09 August 2014, 07:21 by:   karadox    PM
Score +59
I get that you find the whole 'serving cutomers' fantasy thing sexist. Which, y'know, it very well may be, I won't dispute that. But in regards to your reply to Drax. People don't get erections for the sole purpose to breed. Are you twelve, uninformed, or just pretending to be retarded? This is a porn site. Humans, like our dolphin mammal cousins, have sex not solely for procreation, but for pleasure as well! This ain't sunday school, it's a pornsite. A porn site, mind you, that also hosts amputee guro rapefics. So, sorta the wrong place to be 'fighting sexism.' /rant

tl;dr If you're the kind of person who gets offended at the objectification of women, maybe porn just isn't for you.

p.s. may be more your speed if you're still looking for porn. The user base is a little more gentle than the hurtful, sexist scum you'll see around here. You could also try, though in my experience they have this thing with soapboxes and rape jokes.

In regards to the actual content, this is really top-notch. I'd love to see more of that kevinsano set. (sexism aside, ha) But this is all the quality of stuff I would consider paying for, and I'm usually against giving cash for porn outside $1-5 donations on patreon.
Posted on 09 August 2014, 11:53 by:   l4chuga    PM
Score +29
@Walls of text: Damn, that escalated quickly... I fail to see the sexism Blakfayt is referring to in this gallery. Also I don't agree with his rant simply because his arguments could apply to any franchise/fan base, not just the MLP community.
Posted on 09 August 2014, 18:45 by:   blakfayt    PM
Score -40
@new guy that can't bother to read names: No other fanbase is around a show made for little girls and is pumping out so much rape content on a regular basis. That's my issue. People become fans because supposedly it's all great in how it shows girls that they're just like everyone else, and then you turn around and jerk your dick to girls being treated like shit. It's hypocrisy of the highest order and it makes no sense. There is no other show that is as popular as this incarnation of MLP that is strictly made for freaking 5 year old GIRLS that has an entire tumblr (not Sano's) that is dedicated to one "fan's" idea of the show world being ENSLAVED by a shitty furry OC, and turned into a strange and stupid world of mind broken sex slaves. When you hit a point that you have people pumping out content about these female equality characters being turned into literally sexist objects because "That's my fetish" your fandom has problems. The issue wouldn't be as bad in just about anything else, but it's the fact that it's happening in a show FOR little girls that the original creator wanted it to show them that they can be anything they want to be and that they're just as good as boys, and some people went "I like this show. Hey, SmudgeProof. Here's $50, draw me Twilight having her horn cut off and being raped repeatedly and told what a good fuck toy she is, and put some weird posters in the background about how 'Sluts must obey' and a few other ponies in the background in various sexual tortures, because that's my fetish and I couldn't possibly have put it in anything else. Nope, had to be the only decent show for girls."
Posted on 09 August 2014, 21:15 by:   l4chuga    PM
Score +22
Damn dude, you take things waaay too seriously. If it doesn't appeal to you, why come in here and/or comment? This isn't the place to rant about that sort of thing, that would be best done on a blog somewhere. Either way, as said before, this kind of thing can happen with any franchise/fan base, you will see it at some point no matter what. In fact I have seen far worse things for other little girl shows, and the MLP stuff doesn't even compare. And also, I don't come in here to fap, I have a GF to help with that who also looks at these galleries too. I just come here for entertainment from the raunchy material as well as discovering new stuff I hadn't heard of before that may not even be porn related. Lol
Posted on 09 August 2014, 22:23 by:   blakfayt    PM
Score -33
OH my gods, DUDE, if you don't come here to fap, stop coming here and replying to this! For fucks sake. I like pony porn, I don't mind about 90% of it, I do mind the hypocritical bronies that say one thing and then touch themselves to another. You can't have it both ways, but you have clearly failed to read a single word I've said. No, this does not happen in other fanbases because other fanbases are not around something so clearly meant to teach girls they're equals, and then being followed by an out pouring of porn about girls being sex objects. And I don't just mean porn, I mean literally entire stories created by supposed fans that involve slavery, rape, and misogyny because "I get off on that." Okay, if you're sexually aroused by women being treated like shit, why did you enjoy and watch a show that empowers them? What twisted mind set do you have to go "Oh, a woman made a decent cartoon series to teach little girls they're equals? Wow, it's great! I'm going to draw them being raped and brutalized for having a vagina because that's my fetish, and I could have in no way done this to another series or set of characters, or made it just a series of pics. Nope, it HAS to be this series."

Edit: Here, HERE! Name me one other series like FiM that is directed at girls specifically, as stated by a creator, that girls can be just as good as boys (As Faust said that was her main idea behind the new series) and then show me the amount of porn of those characters being treated in blatantly misogynist ways, and I will show you TWICE AS MUCH coming off of the shitty basement dwelling brony community. That's my beef. That is my issue, there are artists that are just fucking spitting in the spirit of the show simply because "Eh, fuck it, I can do what I want" and "It's my fetish!" You don't need to shove every kind of fetish into every fucking show.
Posted on 09 August 2014, 23:51 by:   karadox    PM
Score +26
Well, i said earlier that i'm not gonna argue that this shit ain't sexist, because let's be serious i don't have a case for that shit I ain't magic. But what you're doing, right now, is marching into a porn site and complaining about the porn. Total wet blanket move. Again, not saying you're wrong in any of your characterizations of the brony community. We've been drawing porn since day 1 on /co/ for chrissake. But going to a forum where people go to look and and talk about X and then saying "X is bad! Wow you guys really shouldn't like X! People who like X are weird and suffer psychological problems!" Isn't exactly going to change anything other than how people think of you.

As for your comment about the hypocrisy of liking a show that uplifts women, and then also enjoying something that demeans them. People do shit like that all the time. I'm skeptical that you've been looking at porn that long and not come to that conclusion. People are fucked up, and you ain't gonna change that by pointing it out. The best you can hope to do is either not look at it, or join the 'fine folks' of Tumblr and pretend you're changing the world by complaining about it.

I get that it's your 'right of free speech' to complain about it, but it's just as much ours to create this kinda fucked up shit.
Posted on 10 August 2014, 00:37 by:   kuaskuas    PM
Score +36

Pussy. Degradation, humilliation, prostitution, mind break and rape porn and hentai have existed since forever.

Body corruption, forced transformation, I can go on and all that is before you start talking about guro.
Kevinsano stuff? Pretty god damn tame.

And I'm sure the authors of said porn are proper fans of the series/manga/cartoon/whatever. You know how most Death Methal bands are actually very chill and amigable people? Thinking an artist that focuses on a dark topic and assume they are mentally ill and are very close to start commiting crimes is pretty retarded.

If pony porn is too much for you maybe you can read a tamer work perharps?

Edit: Also learn to dichotomy.
People can enjoy something and then turn it 180 degrees and enjoy it too.

Like Sailor Moon, a manga for girls that empowers the fenale characters, and the japanese fandom LOVES to draw humilliation, porstitution porn and so on.

It's very common and not relegated to horses. OH! also there's plety of gay porn that humilliates and sodomizes the male characters, did you see that hot castration porn? is that Misoginy? Corrupting things is very common fantasy since the dawn of time.

So yeah, not hipocrisy. Dichotomy.
People can enjoy the show, enjoy the "spirit of the show" (another thing entirely), enjoy porn that twists things around or all of the above just fine.

Posted on 10 August 2014, 11:34 by:   l4chuga    PM
Score +28
Kuaskuas beat me to mentioning Sailor Moon, which has far worse things than MLP can't even compare to yet. I understood everything you said blakfayt, but you are refusing to acknowledge that it has happened elsewhere other than the MLP franchise when clearly it has. However, saying that I should stop posting because I don't fap on a porn site is as redundant as you ranting about the types of porn on a porn site. You really need to expand your horizons more, there is much more to see and compare and I will leave it at that.
Posted on 15 August 2014, 08:23 by:   Ande_85    PM
Score +40
Blakfayt has got to be a troll. That or a SJW in which case this is just sad because he actually believes what he is saying. Either way his entire arguments can be broken down as stop liking what I don't like which shows a serious lack of compartmentalizing things. For example: the show goes into box A (source material), what someone thinks/likes goes into box B (head canon), and the stuff I'm currently looking at goes into box C (fan theory/work). To be fair sometimes the stuff in box C appeals to me, and sometimes it don't. The point is liking something, and then liking its complete opposite, isn't really that hard because each fits into their own separate containers.

The only time this would cause a problem is if box C (containing some horrible stuff), was brought into box A. The reason for this is simple: the two simply don't mix. I believe this is where your hangup is coming from; you expect the fan work to be related to the show, the only thing is, it doesn't have to be. It can be as far and varied as the artist likes, and if you don't like it, that's all on you, because I seriously doubt the artist is going to care whether you personally approve of it or not.

TL;DR the fan base is not going to go out of its way to cater to you personally...get over it.
Posted on 24 August 2015, 13:39 by:   kansaiking    PM
Score +7
There's a deluxe version of this

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