Posted on 19 August 2014, 01:20 by:
NEET☆遥 Posted on 19 August 2014, 01:43 by:
wavedash Score
Base +9, kusanagi177 +9, kotone-sama +8, Ryougi +10, captcarisma +18, Yossarian762 +6, leavemealone +7, coleccionista903 +6, zkxhfpdk +7, toravisu +7, AlephFish +2, mijc517 +8, kopkill11 +6, and 13 more...
Base +6, Ryougi +10, captcarisma +18, Yossarian762 +6, leavemealone +7, coleccionista903 +6, zkxhfpdk +7, toravisu +7, AlephFish +2, mijc517 +8, kopkill11 +6, aaron_ +11, stupid army +7, and 8 more...
Posted on 19 August 2014, 02:37 by:
whslogin Score
Base +6, 海想列車 +25, TheOldDeus +2
Posted on 19 August 2014, 03:43 by:
Bargbarg Score
Base +9, RadonReplayer +12, Mindflayer88 +14, j155430 +9, AlephFish +2, ThatOtherYou +5, HorridGuest +14, lapcat +3, jonnydept +7, pee222777 +6, QwertySS +14, ccib00 +6, xamiak +6, and 20 more...
Posted on 19 August 2014, 03:54 by:
aruk221 Score
Base +4, samthegreat69 +6, jonnydept +7, pee222777 +6, QwertySS +14, Bastille +14, noriari +6, 海想列車 +25, Hobolobo +10, mijc517 +8, skylancer1 +5, Coolham23 -10, Geistermeister +9, and 5 more...
Base +6, 海想列車 +25, drackx +6, TheOldDeus +2
Base +6, 海想列車 +25, psicomenace +7, TheOldDeus +2
Posted on 19 August 2014, 04:33 by:
Aulen Score
Base +6, jonnydept +7, QwertySS +14, bggm +18, xamiak +6, BlickWinkel +4, 海想列車 +25, Hobolobo +10, smha +6, mjsnoozer +7, mijc517 +8, skylancer1 +5, Otaku_King +6, and 7 more...
Base +10, 海想列車 +25, aasdadsa +6, drackx +6, TheOldDeus +2
Base +6, Person8 +7, 海想列車 +25, psicomenace +7, delborg -6, lovemyway0224 +6, TheOldDeus +2
Posted on 19 August 2014, 11:30 by:
moonjog Score
Base +5, Person8 +7, blokeycai +5, 海想列車 +25, psicomenace +7, lovemyway0224 +6, TheOldDeus +2
Base +5, psicomenace +7, Aznfate +6, delborg -6, w57660837 +4, nowittycomment +6, Manx +6, TheOldDeus +2