Posted on 19 August 2014, 04:57 by:
raichupal Base +16, firekami +8, stabbybelkar +7, Jocco +6, Der Fuhrer +6, robot38 +6, Sonicpromo -5, cuddleskunk -7, Dragabont +6, Masteryasha -6, somercet +8, Kiranta -6, magarey +7, and 3 more...
Posted on 19 August 2014, 19:33 by:
D u b b y Score
Base +9, stabbybelkar +7, Senor Pwnage +6, Der Fuhrer +6, taj1994 +5, Sonicpromo -5, darthdavid +6, Feladrance +6, Sherlockian +7, Lolwey +4, damianea103 +6, Kiranta +6
Base +5, somercet +5, JoeWolf +4, Feladrance +6, starlic9 +4
Base +6, Dragabont +6, DeronRav +7, Masteryasha -6, somercet +8, magarey +7, dememes -5, Pervert Hentai +6
Posted on 24 December 2017, 05:16 by:
TommyTime Score
Base +6, Masteryasha -6, The Goat is Watching +8, somercet +8, Sherlockian +7