I never knew what kind of porn The Thing from Another world and Melona like to fap/schlick too, nor did I ever want to know...now, I have a fairly good idea, and I'm not sure I'm okay with knowing the particulars of their sexual tastes...
Base +9, Jikreek -13, Aisk1000 -7, FrankenTunante -3
Posted on 09 September 2014, 10:24 by: Saint Jimmy
Score -1
This isn't... terrible. The artist really just needs to practice more and make more art, there is real potential here. Till then I give this gallery 3/5
Base +9, conkikhon -4, Aisk1000 -7, Miller101 +1
Posted on 09 September 2014, 12:09 by: alex the lazy
Score +33
if anyone is interested the maid 01, 02, 03, 04, 05 & 06 is called Gela(not quite sure if that's the proper spelling in English but it's written ジェラ) she's slime girl and has a rivalry with anther maid named Emilia(succubus).
Base +5, conkikhon +4, Aisk1000 +7, Jikreek +14, FrankenTunante +3
'Same artist as /g/734561/dedcec58b4/ By the way, many years ago, I found Kyouko pics on a website and a comment leading me to the ones in this pack, in another one. I have been looking for Gela and Kyouko almost anywhere. I love the fact they now are appearing here.