Just a couple of guys jerkin' it in the public gym shower room, because, you know, that's a perfectly acceptable thing to do.
You could argue that they're just cleaning themselves, but in response to that, I would like to point out that they are both partially erect, and the guy on the left has jizz on the tip of his dick.
Luckily for the girl, there is a convenient chest high wall, that overlooks the shower room, to hide behind. That way you can safely fantasize about the two guys who just talked about how hot they thought you were instead of actually just having sex with them.
Base +6, Brandier +6, bikko-tan -6, oneiwonder +5, dudeman888 +6, glib24 +5, Siglet -6, TheRapture +12, heke92 +6, Barbatos Rex -5, ChocoGodMN +4, adrewtc -7, hershey_greg -8, and 1 more...