Base +5, oorn1 +5, TheTwistedAbyss +5, AjuntaPaul -4, trueGAS +6, Oscha +6, mambu +6, Viktorious +5, MADARA-TAKA2 +6, Neoseemer +6, Legacy91 +8, Neodante15 +6, lavajava12 +5, and 14 more...
Posted on 29 September 2014, 11:35 by:
Timelink Score
Base +6, oorn1 +5, AjuntaPaul -4, baphomael +7, sypha +14, FilWar +5, war15 +8, kikimaru024 +11, Viktorious +5, MADARA-TAKA2 +6, Cha0sC0ntr0l +8, jun_kanaegis +5, ShadowJ +5, and 19 more...
Posted on 29 September 2014, 12:13 by:
wazzza Score
Base +6, AjuntaPaul -4, sypha +14, FilWar +5, war15 +8, LuckyStar9432 +7, kikimaru024 +11, mambu -6, Viktorious +5, MADARA-TAKA2 +6, Legacy91 -8, Granten +7, Dustfinger +11, and 38 more...
Posted on 29 September 2014, 13:43 by:
Ruichi Score
Base +6, kikimaru024 +11, MADARA-TAKA2 +6, Legacy91 +8, gweh -5, Neodante15 -6, ShadowJ +5, Paizurikin -7, Eazy21 +4, TB26 +7, dorksword1 +5, anonzgz +6
Posted on 29 September 2014, 15:08 by:
eibhlin Score
Base +7, Legacy91 +8, ssj4jw +7, TB26 +7, dorksword1 +5
Base +6, Legacy91 +8, krim1 +6, Cha0sC0ntr0l +8, Neodante15 +6, ShadowJ +5, Paizurikin +7, Dawnell_do +1, hypetrain -6, TB26 +7, fireburst7 +6, Isolation_Q +5, dorksword1 +5, and 6 more...
Base +6, seto_letitan -6, Granten +7, HentaiPrince4566 -6, Legacy91 -8, Ktito -6, 616 -6, Master E -5, Dustfinger -11, ridvid1313 -5, EcchiKnight -6, hungryhobo -6, L0wk3y -8, and 1 more...
Posted on 29 September 2014, 18:49 by:
hmn982 Score
Base +1, Huy +6, ssj4jw +7, hypetrain -6, dorksword1 -5, openminded20 +6
Base +15, Kuro Tamashi -4, Silver_Kirin +6, treze568 -5, Legacy91 -8, ssj4jw -7, hypetrain +6, akaaoi +5, rockarolla +4, dorksword1 -5, RaizelX -4, sanken +7, anonywhat -4, and 6 more...
Posted on 29 September 2014, 20:21 by:
Deftera Score
Base +6
Posted on 29 September 2014, 21:31 by:
BadBurger Score
Base +6, Legacy91 +8, ssj4jw +7, fireburst7 +6, dorksword1 -5
Base +8, Neodante15 +6, Narumanu +4, RARmaster +6, Paizurikin -7, hypetrain -6, tyguy +7, codywelch +6, fireburst7 +6, ssj4jw +7, dorksword1 -5, zebas +8, PepeFrog +10
Posted on 30 September 2014, 07:44 by:
eBONES Score
Base +5, treze568 +5, Neodante15 +6, Huy +6, Maiquel22 +6, rockarolla +4, dorksword1 +5, Lolimir +7, kobatochandaisuki +5, Watermelon_Queen +4, HentaiM@ster +8, zebas +8, Terraformus +6
Posted on 30 September 2014, 11:33 by:
asssde Score
Base +6, Jisatu -6, djislfjslfsj +5, Stoofs -5, ssj4jw -7, StNowhere +6, fireburst7 -6, Legacy91 -8, dorksword1 +5, bestningenalive -6, ShadowJ -6, bobnick23 -6, zebas -8, and 2 more...
Posted on 01 October 2014, 01:39 by:
smarty358 Score
Base +5, Huy +6, ssj4jw -7, Stoofs -5, hypetrain +6, akaaoi +5, fireburst7 -6, Legacy91 -8, rockarolla -4, Simplechimp -2, Neodante15 -6, bestningenalive -6, bobnick23 -7, and 2 more...
Posted on 01 October 2014, 18:57 by:
Ngai52 Score
Base +4, Stoofs -5, hypetrain +6, fireburst7 -6, Legacy91 -8, ssj4jw -7, dorksword1 +5, bestningenalive -6, LouisIII -6, kobatochandaisuki -5, bobnick23 -7, zebas -8, Terraformus +6, and 1 more...
Posted on 03 October 2014, 13:29 by:
Restalaan Score
Base +7, rockarolla +4, ssj4jw +7, Legacy91 +8, bobnick23 +7
Last edited on 27 November 2014, 07:09.
Base +6, rockarolla +4, TsukikoYuki -4, ssj4jw +7, Legacy91 +8, dorksword1 -5, anonywhat -4, bobnick23 +6, Watermelon_Queen +5, Hallation -7, maxone23 -7
Posted on 26 February 2015, 01:56 by:
Katai Score
Base +6, TsukikoYuki -5
Last edited on 13 July 2016, 01:58.
Base +6, Watermelon_Queen +5, Hallation -7, peterson123 -30, score38 -6, maxone23 -7, bobnick23 -7, zebas -8, mike940405 -7
Last edited on 19 September 2016, 06:09.
Base +1, mickeysofine -6, Terraformus +6
Posted on 05 October 2024, 16:00 by:
Base +5