Posted on 29 September 2014, 13:32 by:
ragdoll_ Posted on 29 September 2014, 13:54 by:
Dynellen Score
Base +14, chmod777 +6, wavedash +9, Techwire +11, PSYN Team +12, aguywholikesporn +4, Acerola +10, Kenzaki Kazuma +17, SwordSentinel +4, Someboday +6, MD79 +2, lavajava12 +5, pornwatcher246 +5, and 45 more...
Posted on 29 September 2014, 13:58 by:
Biladsan Score
Base +14, Deesha +7, pond39267 +6, rancidwolf +5, xibalba78 +10, ichaos +13, Uno-Duno +13, photophonic +6, kikimaru024 +11, LoneHero33 +7, DOIHI +5, chrisboy101 +9, Tenchi Ryu +9, and 367 more...
Posted on 29 September 2014, 13:59 by:
Dammon Score
Base +18, kikimaru024 +11, LoneHero33 +7, DOIHI +5, Kenzaki Kazuma +17, minin7 +6, Guld und Silber +5, JSG16 +6, Maledictvm +15, lvhina +7, PSYN Team +12, fadefade +16, silf_FFR-41MR +10, and 167 more...
Base +5, KaiserBuliwyf +7, AnimeLov3rxXx +10, Helryx +6, Lyncs +8, mumei-chan +14, DOIHI +5, Denshoni +7, The Naughty Shrink +6, Rouga_Zanma +7, Shibun +8, lvhina +7, Sparky7491 +6, and 158 more...
Posted on 29 September 2014, 14:23 by:
Fighnjaci Score
Base +4, Tenzori +8, minin7 +6, Ntr2Oppai +4, bnad +7, rockingoldensamurai +5, itsspherical +5, Ejastik +7, El Monsieur +4, pokkoncho +7, Viktorious +5, Megaton +7, rotar zairo +5, and 75 more...
Posted on 29 September 2014, 14:41 by:
synpyre Score
Base +12, LoneHero33 +7, DOIHI +5, Kenzaki Kazuma +17, minin7 +6, heh...narto +6, PSYN Team +12, Neopheonix0 +6, Asarta +6, csavarhuzo +4, Ntr2Oppai +4, Gaara29 +8, Elementxj +6, and 130 more...
Last edited on 29 September 2014, 15:03.
Base +10, DOIHI +5, jatrat +8, PSYN Team +12, Ntr2Oppai +4, Gaara29 +8, rockingoldensamurai +5, extremophile +5, rotar zairo +5, poopfruit +2, Dima979 +1, safjd +5, IMNC +6, and 66 more...
Posted on 29 September 2014, 14:55 by:
Quiji Score
Base +6, Mullet_Sag +6, pond39267 +6, ahuahuahu +5, kikimaru024 +11, LoneHero33 +7, Braltewrakcus +7, bogbrush +6, DOIHI +5, YottaSidedTenshi +6, Tenchi Ryu +9, D00IVI +17, Rockstopper +12, and 251 more...
Posted on 29 September 2014, 14:56 by:
Luke78 Score
Base +9, DOIHI +5, Tunakzo +5, Techwire +11, hardcorewoop +6, Kenzaki Kazuma +17, Ntr2Oppai +4, MetalGarv +8, exhentai1111 +6, lavajava12 +5, Boneriffic +12, troybayliss +7, Viktorious +5, and 51 more...
Base +8, Stefan- +8, minin7 +6, disposable.respect +3, Ntr2Oppai +4, astrohydra +6, extremophile +5, rotar zairo +5, silentrunner +7, IMNC +6, Vinixox +6, haolian +6, kalebispoop +5, and 30 more...
Posted on 29 September 2014, 15:15 by:
ARuok Score
Base +5, DOIHI +5, minin7 +6, Ntr2Oppai +4, rotar zairo +5, silentrunner +7, safjd +5, IMNC +6, Pillowgirl +20, haolian +6, ALAKTORN +6, Shinryu-Rex +5, hujkl +7, and 22 more...
Posted on 29 September 2014, 15:16 by:
karambula Score
Base +3, Uno-Duno +13, DOIHI +5, Kenzaki Kazuma +17, Neopheonix0 +6, Ntr2Oppai +4, Kona-chan +7, haolian +6, Shinryu-Rex +5, Smashproof +9, Eidelwutz -7, MechWarriorNY +7, not a saiyan +3, and 4 more...
Base +10, DOIHI +5, disposable.respect +3, Ntr2Oppai +4, rockingoldensamurai +5, johj333 +4, rotar zairo +5, Watari-kun +8, safjd +5, IMNC +6, Vinixox +6, haolian +6, Shinryu-Rex +5, and 15 more...
Base +7, DOIHI +5, Podarok +9, Kenzaki Kazuma +17, heh...narto +6, PSYN Team +12, Bonekrusher -6, flashtirade +5, HonorableShogun +4, rockingoldensamurai +5, lavajava12 +5, Kuro Yuuki +3, HentaiM@ster +6, and 25 more...
Base +6, Acerola +10, lavajava12 +5, Watari-kun +8, safjd +5, IMNC +6, Vinixox +6, haolian +6, Shinryu-Rex +5, MechWarriorNY +7, oneiwonder +7, Evil_spuds +5, bunnygunny +6, and 11 more...
Last edited on 29 September 2014, 16:40.
Base +7, dacoolman -7, rainbowkouji +3, PSYN Team +12, HonorableShogun +4, lavajava12 +5, johj333 +4, faramirjay +6, silentrunner +7, Watari-kun +8, safjd +5, IMNC +6, Blaze Viper +6, and 30 more...
Last edited on 30 September 2014, 03:19.
Base +7, Techwire +11, heh...narto +6, PSYN Team +12, disposable.respect +3, Ntr2Oppai +4, flashtirade +5, extremophile +5, rotar zairo +5, silentrunner +7, Watari-kun +8, Dima979 +1, safjd +5, and 31 more...
Posted on 29 September 2014, 17:24 by:
ninjdsfo Score
Base +5, Techwire +11, dacoolman -7, disposable.respect +3, csavarhuzo +4, Ntr2Oppai +4, HonorableShogun +4, rockingoldensamurai +5, Megaton +7, rotar zairo +5, silentrunner +7, Watari-kun +8, safjd +5, and 44 more...
Posted on 29 September 2014, 17:33 by:
Narineko Score
Base +6, Techwire +11, dacoolman -7, Sol Goodguy +3, heh...narto +6, PSYN Team +12, disposable.respect +3, Ntr2Oppai +4, flashtirade +5, HonorableShogun +4, MetalGarv +8, rockingoldensamurai +5, pornwatcher246 +5, and 92 more...
Posted on 29 September 2014, 17:47 by:
imaliar Score
Base +6, Techwire -11, dacoolman -7, Kenzaki Kazuma +17, funk doctor spock +2, fadefade +16, Acerola +10, disposable.respect +3, Ntr2Oppai +4, AnimeLov3rxXx +10, Zero225 +8, sgthale -12, IMNC +6, and 19 more...
Posted on 29 September 2014, 17:48 by:
Shevanel Score
Base +6, dacoolman +7, Onthorm +7, PSYN Team +12, fadefade +16, alkopone +5, disposable.respect +3, wisky_t +6, Ntr2Oppai +4, flashtirade +5, AnimeLov3rxXx +10, pornwatcher246 +5, BarrageKO +3, and 123 more...
Posted on 29 September 2014, 18:32 by:
VanArtic Score
Base +6, disposable.respect +3, wisky_t +6, Ntr2Oppai +4, rotar zairo +5, silentrunner +7, safjd +5, IMNC +6, haolian +6, Shinryu-Rex +5, hujkl +7, MechWarriorNY +7, necrosis527 +9, and 23 more...
Base +7, disposable.respect +3, Jago Smith +2, Ntr2Oppai +4, pornwatcher246 +5, Kuro Yuuki +3, extremophile +5, Brego1 +6, sharkbait407 +6, rotar zairo +5, geemer +5, Kona-chan +7, Whiplash -6, and 46 more...
Base +8, Xerodusk +16, disposable.respect +3, wisky_t +6, Ntr2Oppai +4, ragdoll_ +11, MetalGarv +8, feelsbadman +7, Hiryu2040 +16, HentaiM@ster +6, Brego1 +6, Megaton +7, sharkbait407 +6, and 89 more...
Posted on 29 September 2014, 19:42 by:
Vuffy Score
Base +6, wisky_t +6, Ntr2Oppai +4, Brego1 +6, rotar zairo +5, Kona-chan +7, silentrunner +7, pornwatcher246 +5, fooby5134 +6, safjd +5, IMNC +6, Vinixox +6, Pillowgirl +20, and 67 more...
Posted on 29 September 2014, 19:49 by:
EvilSanta Score
Last edited on 30 September 2014, 10:20.
Base +5, wisky_t +6, Ntr2Oppai +4, Brego1 +6, silentrunner +7, safjd +5, IMNC +6, haolian +6, Shinryu-Rex +5, hujkl +7, akscpaieki +6, oneiwonder +7, Draw99Gray +15, and 10 more...
Posted on 29 September 2014, 19:59 by:
erootoko Score
Base +6, WildCrow +10, alkopone +5, disposable.respect +3, Hobolobo +10, Ntr2Oppai +4, manoflast3 +8, tohya -7, dnbdave +26, lololo16 -7, benblast +7, Nesray -7, extremophile +5, and 67 more...
Base +16, wisky_t +6, Ntr2Oppai +4, MetalGarv +8, brandivolgio +7, Megaton +7, rotar zairo +5, flashtirade +5, safjd +5, IMNC -6, Pillowgirl +20, haolian +6, Shinryu-Rex +5, and 9 more...
Posted on 29 September 2014, 21:02 by:
vouz Score
Base +6, wisky_t +6, Ntr2Oppai +4, HonorableShogun +4, Hupplez +9, pond39267 +6, benblast +7, Megaton +7, sharkbait407 +6, rotar zairo +5, silentrunner +7, flashtirade +5, wooop +5, and 54 more...
Posted on 29 September 2014, 21:07 by:
Master E Score
Base +5, wisky_t +6, Ntr2Oppai +4, Brego1 +6, rotar zairo +5, dedodede +6, SCRUBKILLA +5, haolian +6, Shinryu-Rex +5, hujkl +7, MechWarriorNY +7, IMNC +6, OmniO +6, and 13 more...
Base +7, Ntr2Oppai +4, ragdoll_ +11, gandexf4 +6, superguy45 +5, MetalGarv +8, omutax +6, BarrageKO +3, dnbdave +26, menoskiller +7, troybayliss +7, benblast +7, Kent_Ownzinger +8, and 84 more...
Base +6, Bullettime +6, Brego1 +6, Megaton +7, safjd +5, GarethMars +4, K. Porter +2, MC Arisato +6, Onthorm +7, haolian +6, Shinryu-Rex +5, hujkl +7, MechWarriorNY +7, and 25 more...
Posted on 30 September 2014, 01:16 by:
Negro101 Score
Base +3, mrd3vil +7, ilovethishit +5, extremophile +5, rotar zairo +5, silentrunner +7, safjd +5, IMNC +6, VanillaFetish +6, haolian +6, Shinryu-Rex +5, hujkl +7, ZarisaHime +7, and 8 more...
Posted on 30 September 2014, 01:48 by:
DJ_Puchuu Score
Last edited on 30 September 2014, 02:10.
Base +10, sgthale +12, ilovethishit +5, lavajava12 +5, BarrageKO +3, Brego1 +6, Megaton +7, rotar zairo +5, silentrunner +7, Charra +5, astrohydra +6, flashtirade +5, safjd +5, and 34 more...
Posted on 30 September 2014, 04:46 by:
Arghman99 Score
Base +7, menoskiller +7, Kenzaki Kazuma +17, rotar zairo +5, kiddervish +6, silentrunner +7, Eyriol +7, flashtirade +5, safjd +5, IMNC +6, Pillowgirl +20, K. Porter +2, haolian +6, and 8 more...
Base +9, Link128 +8, Kenzaki Kazuma +17, SW_CGF +5, hahonryuu +6, ragdoll_ +11, Conkers +6, Ech0S +6, Elementxj +6, nexiea +6, tomu-kun +6, extremophile +5, Derpeness +6, and 72 more...
Base +7, yendi0 +6, Brego1 +6, rotar zairo +5, Canavi -10, silentrunner +7, Charra +5, safjd +5, GarethMars +4, SCRUBKILLA +5, azp +6, haolian +6, Shinryu-Rex +5, and 9 more...
Posted on 30 September 2014, 18:16 by:
Sychev Score
Base +5, gtff +6, yendi0 +6, hakkai999 +6, extremophile +5, Brego1 +6, rotar zairo +5, silentrunner +7, Charra +5, a_t_m +7, Dima979 +1, Samael Azrael +6, Victor DoUrden +11, and 58 more...
Posted on 30 September 2014, 23:38 by:
Sr_Aegis Score
Base +4, HonorableShogun +4, rotar zairo +5, silentrunner +7, astrohydra +6, safjd +5, IMNC +6, haolian +6, Shinryu-Rex +5, hujkl +7, MechWarriorNY +7, necrosis527 +9, oneiwonder +7, and 9 more...
Posted on 01 October 2014, 22:59 by:
Hectotane Score
Base +7, hellwolf +11, ragdoll_ +11, MC Arisato +6, haolian +6, Shinryu-Rex +5, tracingthelines +7, MechWarriorNY +7, necrosis527 +9, oneiwonder +7, Taka at work +9, Porokichin66 +8, Absolutely Nobody +7, and 2 more...
Posted on 19 October 2014, 03:43 by:
Egoose Score
Base +6, Scantraxx +11, fooby5134 +6, safjd +5, SCRUBKILLA +5, MC Arisato +6, haolian +6, Shinryu-Rex +5, hujkl +7, Zolnerowich +7, MechWarriorNY +7, IMNC -6, Arhimondex +7, and 18 more...
Base +5, Dekachinchin -3, qman55 +6, safjd +5, frenchtoast -6, VanillaFetish +6, azp +6, PlasticMaterials +10, Shakezoola +7, haolian +6, Shinryu-Rex +5, hujkl +7, MechWarriorNY +7, and 9 more...
Posted on 01 December 2014, 16:50 by:
YaLvyN Score
Base +5, dedodede +6, azp +6, Shakezoola +7, K. Porter +2, MC Arisato +6, haolian +6, Shinryu-Rex +5, hujkl +7, MechWarriorNY +7, EinstEisen +7, byebye65 +8, necrosis527 +9, and 8 more...
Base +3, Pillowgirl +20, Oranges13 +7, needaname37 +6, haolian +6, metropolisrobot +8, Shinryu-Rex +5, Truthmoon +6, hujkl +7, Vivi1993 +2, Akira Leir +7, MechWarriorNY +7, Jago Smith +6, and 19 more...
Posted on 01 November 2015, 04:28 by:
YukariBOT Score
Base +6, EchoHolic +7, Arhimondex +7, the missing link +9, LadtheImpaler +4, necrosis527 +9, TheOneWhoScans +5, eldarium +6, IMNC -6, oneiwonder +7, Taka at work +9, Porokichin66 +8, see-eff +6, and 8 more...
Base +6, byebye65 +8, necrosis527 +9, Boxen +6, 211Rudens +4, RVulcan +6, oneiwonder +7, Z-Bunny +8, Iroald +6, sable1 +21, IMNC -6, Wayward_Vagabond +21, Taka at work +9, and 22 more...
Posted on 03 February 2019, 07:08 by:
crysisbai Score
Base +6, not mr.roll +6, kfhkfh +6, Venda +6, Granberia HK Fire +20
Posted on 14 June 2019, 13:34 by:
subbox Score
Base +4, MobileCrusader +6, Pixelink +6, Boxen +6, Granberia HK Fire +20, Bittersweetness +6
Base +6, Granberia HK Fire +20
Base +6, MistahM +6, Granberia HK Fire +20, ayylmaotopkek +6
Base +6, Granberia HK Fire +20, @Inkblot +28
Posted on 01 September 2024, 05:35 by:
50m3d00d Score
Base +8, GodGuardian +6