Posted on 06 October 2014, 19:22 by:
bboykabir Score
Base +5, Gheist +6, roadm +18, morinonezumi +6, NeilCon1224 +5
Base +11, Saika_ -22, Bsword -9, NICHOLAS@ -11, herearesomething -6, samooo2 -8, Invisibull Girl -7, Actaneon -7, newguy2012a -7, SabreW -7, Overt Ninja -15, FJoker -7, glitcher998 -9, and 1 more...
Posted on 06 October 2014, 21:57 by:
MSimm1 Score
Base +28, samm1e1 +10, Actaneon +7, reaperxdeath +6, Dayzed +4, djy911020 +8
Last edited on 07 October 2014, 20:45.
Base +6, Raging +7, zukuenft -9, newguy2012a +6, KoolaidMonstar353 +6, Gheist -6, dryuyuri +7, Crimson Savior +6, DarioEmpio +4, grs88 +6, koorlink +6, randdoggity +7, lovesuckingdick +6, and 1 more...
Base +6, Vermillion612 -3, newguy2012a +6, AldanFerrox +6, -XXX- -6, Gheist -6, Crossett -10, Crimson Savior -6, miroku888 -7, annacanna -8, ozmodiar -6, Limited -6, grs88 -6, and 6 more...
Posted on 01 August 2017, 16:19 by:
pocky00 Score
Base +35, glitcher998 -9