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HTH Studios premium part 1

Posted:2014-10-13 11:30
File Size:30.54 MiB
Length:51 pages
Favorited:42 times
Average: 2.77

Showing 1 - 40 of 51 images

Posted on 13 October 2014, 22:11 by:   Jackle1842    PM
Score +12
Oh man, if only the makers of this game were not raging dick heads, I wouldn't mind paying a little bit of money to play this game. Crow is a decently talented artist and his ideas for the future of the game are pretty nice. It's just. . . there all a bunch of dick holes!
Posted on 13 October 2014, 22:54 by:   negavamas    PM
Score +10
Dick holes how?
Posted on 14 October 2014, 01:24 by:   Otiropas77    PM
Score +13
Yeah, how? Explain please
Posted on 14 October 2014, 05:28 by:   observer1980    PM
Score +27

Yeah, ive heard some bad stories from Furrafinity users who had said they were run off or actually banned for giving honest, innocent advice/criticism, on what they would like to see done with the game and Crowchild has a bunch of goose stepping butt boys who fur fag rage over anything that is not shameless flattery of Crowchilds work.

Crowchild is a great artist, and I definately appreciate his effort. No One has stepped up to the commitment of a Furry world enviroment game like he has. BUT, I do have to question his habit of almost constantly "rebooting" the franchise. Instead of settling on one particular style, he constantly updates the characters and the software, which frankly doesn't work very well all the time. Especially when it comes to transitioning from one location to the other and frequently the game will lock up and you have to restart from the beginning.

I wish Crowchild would stick with one artistic style, and just focus on getting the software running properly instead of going back and doing things over again. Im donwloading this right away because im worried that somebody from his group will get it knocked off, and I don't plan on forking over money for an unreliable program. Like you said, especially if the people running the show are a bunch of pricks about it.

Also, to my knowledge, Crowchild has had two "incidents" in the past where his home/office caught fire and destroyed his work and put everything on hold. The other disappointment was the big news of the Rio DVD he was working on back around 07-08 and he was taking preorders from eager fans, then the whole project bogged down to indefinite future and he refunded everyone's money who asked for it. Never heard about the project again. I don't know what happened, but his explanation sounded like he was 80% done and it wasn't "quite" ready then real world bullshit killed the whole operation.

So yeah, love his work but he has been quite the tease over the years.
Posted on 14 October 2014, 06:25 by:   Drokar    PM
Score +6
i dont know about any of that side stuff bout them being assholes but i refuse to pay for content that is lower quality then his old work. i completely hate his current style with a bloody passion. you should get better with practice, not worse...
Posted on 15 October 2014, 16:24 by:   Jackle1842    PM
Score +8

Thanks, I could not have said it better myself. I was didn't come back and read the previous messages to explain why, but you seemed to have gotten that for me, thank you.

If you also follow there Tumblr where they normally announce new updates and characters, they get a lot of questions regarding the content there going to publish. Nine out of ten times they always respond with "We don't give out dates." or something like that with a yes or no question.

My other issue is that Crow is the only one working on the project. They state time and time again that they don't trust anyone to help with the game because they fear there either gonna steal ideas, the program, or money, which is KINDA understandable, but at the same time, I think it's going to be the downfall of HTH.
Posted on 24 October 2014, 01:08 by:   Fenrir98    PM
Score -4
He should make the gold characters, scenes, and areas playable for free account members.

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