Posted on 15 October 2014, 04:30 by:
Shimata Base +4, SeeP -7, krim1 +6, crimsonblack52 +7, Kuwabara42 +8, Giangiotto -7, Neko_Asakami +6, The Chronicler +7, linksbro1 +6, bisnaga -4, ReddReptile -2, BugKnot -7, Stormblaze69 +1, and 1 more...
Posted on 15 October 2014, 07:16 by:
Xianyu Score
Base +7, krim1 -6, Bloodrose754 -5, crimsonblack52 -7, Dustfinger -11, BiffBlastcheese -15, Kuwabara42 -8, dt_lol -7, Hatterfield -5, asdfwinnar -7, Paizurikin -8, Grel -5, Warcrusherr -10
Base +7, crimsonblack52 -7, Watsa +8, Kuwabara42 -8, dt_lol -7, The Chronicler +7, linksbro1 -6, xamalac34 -6, ReddReptile -2, schevrngo +3, BugKnot -7, TB26 +7, Warcrusherr -10
Base +8, Kuwabara42 -8, dt_lol -7, Hatterfield -5, murlocdummy -7, asdfwinnar -7, Giangiotto +7, SRW.kami -5, Neko_Asakami -6, The Chronicler -7, dovyzz -6, dekamaster2 -7, Grel -5, and 1 more...
Posted on 15 October 2014, 14:26 by:
kageganon Score
Base +6, Kuwabara42 -8, dt_lol -7, Hatterfield -5, Giangiotto +7, The Chronicler -7, linksbro1 -6, Paizurikin -8, rabidalien +6, xamalac34 -6, Grel -5, Sojourner -7, ReddReptile -2, and 3 more...
Base +7, The Inker -8, linksbro1 -6, ReddReptile -2, BugKnot -7, TB26 -7, Stormblaze69 -1, Konola -7, Warcrusherr +10
Base +5, ReddReptile -2, BugKnot +7, TB26 +7, Stormblaze69 +1