Pop Chaser was episode 4 of the Cream Lemon adult animation series, released in 1985. It is considered the best episode of the franchise, and one of the best adult animation ever done. Many talents have contributed to this episode, like Moriyama Youji (chara design), Kitakubo Hiroyuki (direction) or Hideaki Anno (key animation of some mecha scenes).
This artbook contains, among many things, color or b&w screenshots of the anime itself, production drawings, the complete storyboard, and guest ilustrations. There were similar books for episodes 1+2 and episode 3, I wish there was more of that quality.
Most funny content is what you see in the last picture: it's a soft 7" vinyl disc which contains audio comments from character of previous CL episodes (Ami, Rie and Naomi from Escalation mainly), you need to put it on top of another vinyl to play it. How do I know? I own the artbook :D Not my scans though.
Thank you elgringo. I remember this episode. I think this and the yuri school episodes were definitively the best of all (inb4 the ones with the incest story).