RAW R18 JP Ver: /g/617888/cb57fb351c/ Pixiv: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=36266729
Posted on 07 November 2014, 12:48 by: rainbowkouji
Score +5
Please don't credit yourself over the original author. It's unspeakably arrogant, as you've only done the translation and not the original work - and, may I mention, without the permission of the original author. Taking credit for someone else's work that you've used without permission is plenty bad already. Feeling that you need to be credited above the author because you translated it is straight-out insulting to the original creator. What you can do is add a small link to your group page at the bottom of the last page - that way, you credit yourself lower than the author (as, no kidding, you owe the existence of this translation to the work of someone who put in much more effort than you), as well as avoid name-dropping and bragging. You can have whatever you want on your group page - but if you want to respect the author and the amount of time they put in, please don't credit yourself before the last page. There's no need to do that unless you're doing it for attention - which I dearly hope you aren't,
Base +4, DevilishInnocence +6, Kerflufflemeister -4, ~Ringo~ -1