Base +7, Sugichan2010 +5, Onthorm +7, daitengu +7, ShadowMKII +6, the missing link +5, finnick8 +4, the observer +6, fauzan73 +6, Chilean_Guy +6, rq2145 +4, demonskidog +6, bunchy bunchy +4, and 3 more...
Posted on 22 October 2014, 12:00 by:
Gustwind Score
Base +6, somedude1234symbols +2, GMLibrary +6
Posted on 22 October 2014, 13:29 by:
Eiri Score
Base +14, Onthorm +7, the missing link +5, the observer +6, demonskidog +6, somedude1234symbols +2, bunchy bunchy +4, cm4000 +6, GMLibrary +6
Posted on 23 October 2014, 05:00 by:
6f2s7eS Score
Base +1, GMLibrary +6
Base +7, rq2145 +4, bunchy bunchy +4, cm4000 +6, GMLibrary +6
Posted on 19 January 2015, 10:21 by:
AnchoR_11 Score
Base +1, rq2145 +4, somedude1234symbols +2, cm4000 +6, GMLibrary +6