Posted on 15 November 2014, 01:59 by:
Kenabrx Score
Base +2, ufoflash +6, GarethMars +4, mohinder +7, Subjho +6, bigpapastin +5, Picksbro +6, lancehedrey +6, face1355 +6, Belzee +6, Finseth +7, satanischer +6, Raj8 +7, and 4 more...
Base +6, mohinder +7, Subjho +6, GarethMars +4, lancehedrey +6, Stricker_Zoro +6, Raj8 +7, EX-Zero +11, tedderböse +6, tsuyoi_baka35 +6
Posted on 15 November 2014, 04:59 by:
Jagtag2 Score
Base +6, goophergoopher +6, GabrielTDO +6, qwert628 +6, mohinder +7, Subjho +6, ridvid1313 +6, DattacK +5, ZDaichi +5, BartSSJ +8, blood racer +7, Picksbro +6, lancehedrey +6, and 21 more...
Posted on 15 November 2014, 06:39 by:
dap00 Score
Base +19, mohinder +7, lancehedrey +6, Drumbass +7, Finseth +7, satanischer +6, GarethMars +7, tedderböse +6
Base +6, BartSSJ +8, GarethMars -4, blood racer +7, Viktorious +5, lancehedrey +6, Kazegatling +6, treze568 +5, Wuffz +8, bintoxox +6, Drumbass +7, Finseth +7, Incest1234 +8, and 3 more...
Base +7, tedderböse +6, somerandomdude33 +22, tsuyoi_baka35 +6