Animated Gif from Helter Skelter Episode 3 - The laughing puppets chapter
Identifying pic: 1 Gif/Stitches: 2-73 (In order of appearance) Screenshots: 74-293 (English subs by SubDesu)
Synopsis: 4 words - Evil village rape women. Leaving it out because its too long and i need space for my TOTALLY unnecessary comments.
Comments: Remake of ep 1 and 2, they reset the story and send it along the same path to a very bad end. Included screenshots, because they are there. Splitting up ep 3 and 4, because its getting too big(Gif 200mb/Screens 100MB PNG for ep 3 alone). You'll notice that some screens are blurred, this happens to both the raw and the subbed versions. Aspect: 720x480 raw forced to 852x480