This was one of the requested card sets. I know I said I was going to do a League card set but I just don't have the time to do it at the moment and someone requested this set and I have to do the request. Even if I'm really late. Anyways if you have any artists that you want me to make a card set for just comment below and I'll see what I can do. If it's Yaoi or Futas on Futas I won't do it though. I just don't feel comfortable doing that. Other than that I'll do most artist, game, anime series you suggest.
Posted on 10 December 2014, 07:18 by: CrimsonSpark
Score +10
I hate it when people try to make yugioh cards they never give any kind of balance to these cards
The whole point about making cards is to have fun. If you don't like the way I make my custom cards then make your own set. These are here for your fapping purposes, and for some others to actually print and play with. Plus why should it matter if they're broke or not. They'll never actually be mass produced and printed around the world so it shouldn't affect the way you play.
Base +2, Troittoir +3, blagblag +7, imacarl -6, Sojourner +7
Very amusing and arousing. Just wondering why aren't there any NK or Ganassa themed Trap Cards or Synchros in the set... Also, since there are Kings of Spades, Clubs, Hearts and Diamonds how about "Queens"? That would make the set more complete.
NinjaKitty only finished the Kings. I would have but he only has 1 queen. Also I didn't feel like putting any traps or Sychros for this archetype. Wanted to make some fusions cause of Shaddols lol