Base +6, ggder -4, pollaco -10, waltergeist -8, Plutonio -5, ice0berg +6, Zantos -6, Incense -6, Rouge・ -30
Base +6, Kanris +6, ice0berg +6, Gumak +13, rising11 +8, theunseenone +6, trool +6, knucklesluigi +6, occio +6, cochrane +17, fiestyferret +4, l2aYz +6
Base +6, Zaolao +7, Kuro Yuuki +4, Riyin +7, ice0berg +6, suratkabar +3, rising11 +8, theunseenone +6, babawwebg +6, inkarian21 +6, knucklesluigi +6, fiestyferret +4
Posted on 23 December 2014, 14:33 by:
fluke00 Score
Base +6, blsebu -7, Zantos -6, Incense -6, rockingoldensamurai +6, fiestyferret +4, Sharpiwi +13
Last edited on 24 December 2014, 21:47.
Base +9, ggder +4, Clying Funt +8, Plutonio +5, distels +10, kilroyjr +7, 8jposfolifas +9, Shiki_Nanaya +7, theunseenone +6, knucklesluigi +6, VitekLV +7, cochrane +17, shinnt +17
Posted on 18 January 2015, 13:21 by:
Hezard Score
Base +6, MelmothTheWanderer -30, Kuro Yuuki -7
Posted on 22 January 2015, 02:22 by:
valesauce Score
Base +6, OrinKiller7 +8, BartSSJ +9, Slowpoke-kun +7, ice0berg +6, suratkabar +3, Shiki_Nanaya +7, trool +6, Violer +16, Nico-nii +5, theunseenone +6, the phantom limb -7, inkarian21 +6, and 12 more...