Synopsis: The latest series of the Airi storyline finds the three main characters adjusting to their current setting of an open adult relationship. The setting is completely disturbed when Airi and Marina's mother, Kayako, returns and seeks to "rebuild" her relationship with the stepfather, unaware of him having sexual relations with her two daughters. Also the stepfather is becoming more and more abusive to Airi who has been challenging their relationship with another young lady.
Yup, no idea what that means.
Here's my version: Marina gets grounded(also from sex), Airi gets pounded and Sana joins in :X Kayoko remains oblivious.
Comments: The newest Onichichi from poro, hot from the oven, released 26/12/14. Did it asap before the horrible subbed versions(and 720x480) came out and ruined my day, so i went ahead to ruin theirs' first.^^ Used the 720x480 raws, forced to widescreen 16:9, 800x450 aspect (Easier to calculate, less size issues and they don't go past the top of my screen like when i was using 852x480) No stitches because i'm already stitching the gifs.