Posted on 11 January 2015, 09:37 by:
Biladsan Posted on 11 January 2015, 11:28 by:
redbone Score
Base +14, AnimeLUZ +8, fidazzle +8, TigerB +5, fillin +6, Equilibrant +6, Mugen no Saga +6, uzaidi +6, yonidark +6, nowittycomment +6, kobatochandaisuki +5, Katsuragi_Hinagiku +7, dipak +6, and 76 more...
Posted on 11 January 2015, 11:28 by:
Kerfirou Score
Base +6, Oblivo -5, oneiwonder +6, jfragrettel +5, MADARA-TAKA2 +6, SpectralTime +6, Vorlance +7, Azura Meta +6, kyimata +9, finnick8 +5, zerofun +6, Too_Many_Baka +6, OrdinaryPervert +1, and 7 more...
Posted on 11 January 2015, 11:32 by:
ipeka Score
Base +8, eaglef2 -6, AnimeLUZ +8, fidazzle +8, uzaidi +6, Bio-Hazard -4, jfragrettel +5, MADARA-TAKA2 +6, SpectralTime -6, Brego1 +6, EcksyDee -6, Drops of Honey +5, narn111 +5, and 25 more...
Posted on 11 January 2015, 11:44 by:
darkuu Score
Base +6, fidazzle +8, jfragrettel +5, SpectralTime +6, Azura Meta -6, Budda001 +6, jporter -4, Palaxius +33, Kliment Vorosjilov +5, visin88 -6
Posted on 11 January 2015, 12:00 by:
mac77 Score
Base +4, fidazzle +8, fillin +6, Oblivo +5, MRVII +8, Equilibrant +6, Mugen no Saga +6, kobatochandaisuki +5, dipak +6, jfragrettel +5, MADARA-TAKA2 +6, Light_Dragon +7, Brego1 +6, and 40 more...
Posted on 11 January 2015, 12:42 by:
b1324590 Score
Base +9, Dodo65 +5, jfragrettel +5, hacklol +5, heliogabalos666 +6, ixKoRa +3, Samael Azrael +7, UnknowDestroyer +6, hurokun +7, whot +4, poopyface +6, FemaleHunter +5, anon5678 +6, and 2 more...
Base +3, Odeasu +8, jfragrettel +5, lostmymusic +6, Palaxius +33, xDraygon +6, Kliment Vorosjilov +5, visin88 +6, anon5678 +6, Ahryman +6, kamisking +6, ShowMehYaMoves +6
Posted on 11 January 2015, 13:51 by:
Xarniwoop Score
Base +7, oneiwonder +6, jfragrettel +5, sgc_geh +8, onlyregistere +13, apotropaic +6, exia45 +6, heliogabalos666 +6, protoman9012 +7, trunkslight +6, StonedGamer +8, Anony12788 +9, xDraygon +6, and 16 more...
Base +10, jfragrettel +5, oswald123 +8, Stuntman +7, Boshima +2, StonedGamer +8, visin88 +6
Posted on 11 January 2015, 15:17 by:
lazyNPC Score
Base +6, jfragrettel +5, reallycoolname +4, onlyregistere +13, Cavi +6, eternal_darkness +12, Azura Meta +6, User21 +7, exia45 +6, Budda001 +6, Nausea +6, Samael Azrael +7, Boshima +2, and 22 more...
Posted on 11 January 2015, 15:19 by:
RoflCat Score
Base +6, jfragrettel +5, amidoingitright +1
Posted on 11 January 2015, 16:24 by:
Katzius Score
Base +4, jfragrettel +5, SpectralTime +6, yololol +6, amidoingitright +1, musoukaXIV +5, User21 +7, exia45 +6, Rowen41 +7, eXeHl +5, Samael Azrael +7, UnknowDestroyer +6, Boshima +2, and 14 more...
Posted on 11 January 2015, 21:44 by:
Halja Score
Base +7, hacklol +5, amidoingitright +1, Mariot +6, onlyregistere +13, kyimata +9, Samael Azrael +7, UnknowDestroyer +6, yololol +6, peepist +4, whade +6, Dyaus Pita +7, kamisking +6, and 2 more...
Posted on 11 January 2015, 22:22 by:
yadua Score
Base +5, hacklol +5, amidoingitright +1, franklintheturtle +5, visin88 -6
Posted on 12 January 2015, 02:52 by:
smartz118 Score
Base +7, User21 +7, Budda001 +6, destroyingtime +5, bogox94 +3, lotornomiko +6, protoman9012 +7, Victor DoUrden +11, Sadinotna +6, jporter -4, XGas +7, Tikalli +7, Skull013 +5, and 17 more...
Base +8, Budda001 +6, Victor DoUrden +11, Samael Azrael +7, StonedGamer +8, visin88 -6
Posted on 12 January 2015, 13:45 by:
ART65 Score
Base +6, sgc_geh -9
Posted on 13 January 2015, 07:42 by:
RedUnit10 Score
Base +6, Victor DoUrden +11, Moroboshi Yuumei +4, Kliment Vorosjilov -5, YoudontknowmexD +11, visin88 +6, chibidw +6, ShowMehYaMoves +6
Posted on 19 January 2015, 17:50 by:
Zantos Score
Base +6, Moroboshi Yuumei +4, Kliment Vorosjilov -5, Ooe Kintarou +3, visin88 +6
Base +12, Kliment Vorosjilov -5
Base +6, LadyNymeria +6, StonedGamer +8, necrosis527 +9, Koropokuru +6, chibidw +6, SenhorPexe +6, whade +6, propanoate +3
Base +4, StonedGamer +8, visin88 -6
Posted on 31 October 2015, 12:56 by:
Katlan Score
Base +7, Kliment Vorosjilov +5, Ooe Kintarou +3, dalkia +6
Posted on 19 March 2017, 14:33 by:
Kumochi Score
Base +3
Base +7, bobthebaco +5, whade +6, dalkia +6, propanoate +3, Blynxz -12, Ujkat +6, Azerty72200 +3
Posted on 14 October 2022, 13:19 by:
AkiTooru Score
Base +17