Here's the pixiv page of the artist.
Here you can find a translation of this doujin,if anyone wants to use it to edit the japanese version be my guest.
Also a few cool doujin artist that appear in this doujin as Touhou characters,since in the and links to their pixiv pages were provided in the danbooru page so i copypasted them here,check them out.
warugaki (sk-ii) 悪餓鬼 Artist. Quite possibly the grand master of mixing cute, epic, and absurd all at once, with only Imizu-san rivaling him. "Beware the non-threatening ones" would be a general rule of thumb in his works.
Is friends with many prominent artists and others from the doujin scene. Probably the most iconic are Vegas and Ryuu-ichi (Falconet Dragon), who often accompany him in his report mangas.
Circle: Drill Chichikuri Lunatic Reformatory
panzer パンツァ`▽´bbb Artist drawing pictures of military girls.
takana shinno 東風谷しんの