Posted on 03 February 2015, 06:36 by:
Rakuko Score
Base +6, reallycoolname +4, Maxsteele +7, kupueshka +6, eddela +4, Reaper Ruka +7, zzl4100598 +19, Shino205 +7, Denjiro +10, Soluc +6, mojomunkeez +10, Megaton +7, Fighnjaci +5, and 1 more...
Posted on 03 February 2015, 06:58 by:
sgc_geh Score
Base +8, mirs183 +10, Jow3000 +4, Maxsteele +7, Rockgirl +5, Gui Cogo +20, distels +10, Lefol +7, Leonaides +6, zzl4100598 +19, psicomenace +8, altofinale +6, Denjiro +10, and 3 more...