Too busy immersing in World of Warships and real life lately. So here goes another contribution to cater us faggots with sick taste (this is mild by the way). Anyway, if you like the artists, please support them by buying the full volume here:
@jcarlosbg: I did say "full volume" so I linked it to the part1-5 one. I knew about the link you posted that is only for part 1 only. Like I said, if you like the artists, support them buy buying that and another part 6 (yes, I know it's a stupid thing to say considered where we are)
Reminder: Buying anything through Toranoana or other retailers doesn't support the artist. The retailer has already bought the works, and the artist has already gotten the money. The only thing you're supporting is people making money off of other people's work. There's a difference between a proper publishing deal and Toranoana (which buys printing rights, then puts up the books for sale and sells them at a markup).
Base +4, archit +6, Jyasuten -7, Aragask -13, Misaki1995 +6
if the retailer doesn't sell what they buy, then they won't buy from the artist in the first place
god, why do I have to explain this completely obvious shit? are you one of those leftards who hate capitalism because you can't understand how it works?
rainbowkouji > Bullshit. On tne contrary, if it sells well they will try to propose more from the artist, including his next books or reprints of the old ones. And toranoana don't buys printing rights, but stocks directly from the artist. They are the best way to support an artist after buying doujinshi directly during an event.