I think I somewhat understand what's happening, or I can decode what determined each of their growth, oral vore caused her to gain a lot of weight, while unbirth (or rather vaginal vore in this case as it seems that the fairies inserted where digested) and caused her lower body to grow.
in my opinion this is no where near the artists best work, and is in fact very confusing to try and read, and not really drawn that well compared to his other comics, he also needs to work on drawing feet, you can tell he had trouble drawing them. I normally like the artists maxman's work but not so much this time
Base +5, wowfapper +4, SoqWizard +6, Murgen27 +5, K. Porter +5, Nimble_Momonga +5, robertortiz +6
Ok, this has got the be one of the most confusing comics I've ever read (and I read a LOT of these comics). I'm not hating on it by any means, but it's really difficult to figure out what's going down on each page.