Base +2, forneus_zero +9, psyburn21 +18, Senfbrot +7, codywelch +6, Chamma +6, stupid army +7, ggder +4, Gorl +6, Saloz +5, Guestoid +7, Truant +8, Ligera +5, and 23 more...
Base +7, psyburn21 +18, aaawwwddd -6, Lefol +7, EcksyDee -6, codywelch +6, Cessc +7, Chamma +6, ggder +4, Azura Meta +6, Saloz +5, Buraku-chan +9, Guestoid +7, and 23 more...
Posted on 22 February 2015, 21:13 by:
TLM1986 Score
Base +6, psyburn21 +18, TheSale +5, Granten +7, Drops of Honey +5, codywelch +6, alphaman91 +4, Cessc +7, Chamma +6, shinangels +18, Guestoid +7, Truant +8, Ilia_ +12, and 18 more...
Posted on 22 February 2015, 21:23 by:
CDub7888 Score
Base +7, toysrus +4, TheSale +5, somebodyelse_ +10, b1324590 +9, codywelch +6, MarkJames +10, Azura Meta +6, Guestoid +7, Truant +8, zykyne +7, GGS +8, rising11 +8, and 28 more...
Base +2, TigerB -5, aaawwwddd -6, toysrus -4, notdapooper +8, kupueshka +6, forneus_zero +9, somebodyelse_ +10, Chamma -6, Gorl +6, ggder -4, Ilia_ +12, GGS +8, and 12 more...
Posted on 22 February 2015, 21:40 by:
Masterbot Score
Base +7, toysrus +4, Romi the Byzantine +6, Cessc -7, Exxeld +6, Guestoid +7, Truant +8, zukuenft -9, Knife Prty +5, Ooe Kintarou +5, coltainer +6, silentspring +8, thenewdrax +7
Base +7, Romi the Byzantine +6, Chamma +6, Guestoid +7, Truant +8, Ligera +5, Ilia_ +12, GGS +8, Knife Prty +5, silentspring +8, HentaiM@ster +8
Posted on 22 February 2015, 22:21 by:
pepeguapo Score
Base +6, alphaman91 +4, Chamma +6, ggder +4, Guestoid +7, Truant +8, Ligera +5, khrizto +6, Surviva +5, silentspring +8
Base +6, ggder -4, Tempest511 +11, bnad +8, Ligera -5, Guestoid -7, Merizimpower +3, Surviva -5, Chamma -6, rising11 +8, karambula +4, poste -5, Knife Prty -5, and 18 more...
Posted on 23 February 2015, 18:39 by:
yadua Score
Base +5, Ligera -5, Guestoid -7, Crossiel -6, Merizimpower +3, Surviva -5, Chamma -6, rising11 +8, poste -5, Knife Prty -5, =0w0= -6, DIHO -2, NoAngel -5, and 12 more...
Posted on 24 February 2015, 04:40 by:
retrox Score
Base +6, Guestoid +7, Knife Prty +5, Ooe Kintarou +5, coltainer +6, silentspring +8, Brego1 +6
Base +7, Ligera -5, Guestoid -7, Crossiel -6, Merizimpower +3, Surviva -5, Chamma -6, poste -5, Knife Prty -5, Anony12788 +9, =0w0= -6, DIHO -2, NoAngel -5, and 13 more...
Base +7, Guestoid +7, cochrane +1, Surviva -6, silentspring +8
Base +12, karambula +4, Ooe Kintarou +5, silentspring +8, Fofotron +6, thenewdrax +7, Solomus +7, Brego1 +6
Base +5, strawtea +4, Surviva +6, Ooe Kintarou +5, GutsJoestar -6, silentspring +8, Mike_jonson +6
Base +7, Surviva +6, silentspring +8
Base +1, silentspring +8, thenewdrax -7, Fofotron +15
Base +7, Ooe Kintarou +5, Jstar229 +6, GutsJoestar +6, silentspring +8, Fofotron +6, shinnt +17
Base +6, Ooe Kintarou +5, Jstar229 +6, silentspring +8, Fofotron +6
Posted on 07 August 2024, 13:29 by:
grazeb Score
Base +6