Posted on 28 February 2015, 19:09 by:
CDub7888 Score
Base +7, monkeyneth +5, rodebou +5, hitsugaya9 +7, Rouge・ -31, AjuntaPaul -5, racoonieboy +7, DocMachine -2, davivico +6, Amodelsino -6, H-P -7, Orronen +5, Palaxius +33, and 10 more...
Base +6, Bio-Hazard -4, Plutonio +5, hitsugaya9 +7, AjuntaPaul -5, Rouge・ -31, racoonieboy +7, DocMachine -2, Amodelsino -6, H-P -7, Palaxius -33, SwordSentinel -10, Kreel +6, and 4 more...
Base +6, kudo08z +6, hitsugaya9 +7, AjuntaPaul +5, Shoran +6, Zippy8k +7, gillbates +6, zykyne +7, rext11 +3, fillin +6, ThanatosNebula76 +7, Kerisato +3, Palaxius -33, and 21 more...
Posted on 01 March 2015, 03:24 by:
cogwheel Score
Base +6, Bio-Hazard +4, Kuro Yuuki +4, Plutonio -5, Elbowsmash -6, Rouge・ -31, AjuntaPaul +5, Chamma -6, Tiru -5, rediat -4, RareTracks -15, Palaxius +33, Miriah -6, and 14 more...
Posted on 01 March 2015, 04:14 by:
dap00 Score
Base +19, AjuntaPaul +5, OlorinTheWise +5, rediat -4, Shoran +6, zykyne +7, fillin +6, davivico +6, TIE_Defender2nd +9, sockmans +6, Orronen +5, Fighnjaci +5, Lanko +7, and 22 more...
Base +5, hitsugaya9 +7, Rouge・ -31, AjuntaPaul -5, Chamma -6, rediat -4, racoonieboy +7, Derk36 +6, Palaxius -33, Bulopu -11, SwordSentinel -10, Kreel +6, edson +14, and 4 more...
Base +50, AjuntaPaul -5, racoonieboy +7, zykyne +7, fillin +6, davivico +6, ThanatosNebula76 +7, Palaxius -33, Lanko +7, George642 +8, monstarkook -7, PersonaFan08 +13, Mr.Pencil -7, and 5 more...
Base +9, MoogleEXE +7, Derk36 +6, fillin +6, DrunkSuika +6, Palaxius +33, George642 +8, Lanko +7, Bulopu +11, Shinxix +8, jzc136 +7, crazy4sian +9, zkxhfpdk +10, and 13 more...
Posted on 02 March 2015, 04:07 by:
Foe Score
Base +10, Tibek +7, Angel Xtreme +7, Lanko +7, TIE_Defender2nd +9, George642 +8, SongOfRainAndSnow +5, crazy4sian +9, SwordSentinel +10, Daddyfatsack +6, player4578 -6, onlyregistere +14
Base +6, Hisoutensoku -7, H-P -7, Palaxius +33, Miriah -6, poste -5, Mr.Pencil -7, crazy4sian +9, MelmothTheWanderer -30, Hyoros -15, dekamaster2 -7, absolugom -7, ROBERTOHEN -6, and 3 more...
Base +25, Palaxius +33, Miriah +6, Kuro Yuuki +4, George642 +8, player4578 -6
Posted on 18 May 2015, 22:54 by:
blsebu Score
Base +7, Hyoros -15, absolugom -7, elvendrunk -11
Base +5, ignorantoftheshow +5, player4578 -6
Base +9, HabaneroJim +13, ProtoGuy +6, ichaos +18
Posted on 21 February 2022, 06:14 by:
Noni Score
Base +51, FerKing +7, Agent Bun +17