Base +6, l3objones -1, Solipsist +5, Meia42 -5, FrankenTunante -2, okayokaylisten +4, Travesty -8, John_Thrust -6, MSTGMA -7, Seelenmord +9, spec2k -5, Dooby143 -6, Thatbigguy -8, and 6 more...
Posted on 03 May 2015, 19:38 by:
Five555 Score
Base +5, Nordguy +8, Unyltyan -6, Meia42 +5, Valyn76a -4, FrankenTunante +2, greygelgoog +7, Travesty +8, absorbentgene +7, John_Thrust +6, MSTGMA +7, Seelenmord -9, Jyohan +6, and 9 more...
Posted on 03 May 2015, 22:39 by:
NaiOni Score
Base +6, Seelenmord -9, Dooby143 -6, Thatbigguy -8, bob9999921 -5, elfangor -10, Travesty -8, Kyria Shirako -8, ptzozz -6, XxXBoy -6, thedesertwolf -6