Posted on 12 March 2015, 07:24 by:
sureok1 Base +6, MaouMaou +7, MADARA-TAKA2 +6, KaTIOWa +6, nolol111 -6, exia45 +6, Shiniryuu +7, Slave_Master +2, Atroticus +7, john34404 +7, muffinfucker +8, as102 +9, Zemyih -5, and 124 more...
Posted on 12 March 2015, 08:42 by:
KTZ Score
Base +17, Machiga +5, MADARA-TAKA2 +6, Surviva +5, n0504 +7, nolol111 -6, RareTracks +15, Slave_Master +2, HodorHodor +7, Shoran +6, FO-Bakayarou +7, Qwerty Bam +4, Thanatar +6, and 5 more...
Base +7, Machiga +5, Tagapilay +5, MADARA-TAKA2 +6, KaTIOWa +6, Surviva +5, nolol111 -6, exia45 +6, RareTracks +15, Slave_Master +2, Atroticus +7, Zero225 +9, as102 +9, and 68 more...
Base +6, PoussinTueur +5, MaouMaou +7, Tagapilay +5, MADARA-TAKA2 +6, KaTIOWa +6, l33tb10tch2 +7, nolol111 -6, exia45 +6, selkor +6, ROBERTOHEN +6, Slave_Master +2, Atroticus +7, and 94 more...
Base +7, Machiga +5, MADARA-TAKA2 +6, KaTIOWa +6, nolol111 -6, exia45 +6, Slave_Master +2, Zero225 +9, MrNyou +6, invisible5 +6, HodorHodor +7, as102 +9, quandox +6, and 66 more...
Base +6, KaTIOWa +6, nolol111 -6, ROBERTOHEN +6, Slave_Master +2, HodorHodor +7, x0run +6, Azura Meta +6, Victor DoUrden +11, cenro +6, Shoran +6, Kuro Yuuki +4, Qwerty Bam +4, and 12 more...
Posted on 12 March 2015, 10:28 by:
ART65 Score
Base +6, nolol111 -6, oneiwonder +6, Slave_Master +2, john34404 -7, stopwatch +6, Abd Al-Azrad +6, cenro -6, under18thenitsloli -6, Rouge・ -31, Bwaly -6, Qwerty Bam -4, Palaxius -33, and 6 more...
Posted on 12 March 2015, 10:42 by:
progste Score
Base +6, nolol111 -6, oneiwonder +6, Slave_Master +2, kahn0219 -6, john34404 -7, Centifolia +10, Abd Al-Azrad +6, quandox +6, cenro -6, under18thenitsloli +6, unnoticed demon +9, Qwerty Bam +4, and 16 more...
Posted on 12 March 2015, 10:44 by:
Kaneko Score
Base +6, nolol111 -6, Abd Al-Azrad +6, Kuro Yuuki +4, Qwerty Bam +4, sameo15 +2, Bab The Great +3, Dinosars +7, Friday13th +6
Base +7, kahn0219 -6, Atroticus +7, nolol111 -6, HFalx +6, Victor DoUrden +11, Overl0rd111 +16, cenro +6, fijin +6, under18thenitsloli +6, Wing X Custom -6, Kuro Yuuki +4, Qwerty Bam +4, and 3 more...
Posted on 12 March 2015, 14:36 by:
PanthFel Score
Base +6, CarmeloAnthony -6, nolol111 -6, Zantos -6, Gamazek -6, wintermute -7, Overl0rd111 -16, Kuroganemaru -6, instant_noodle -7, Guggy -7, protoman9012 -7, Qwerty Bam -4, Indago -6, and 11 more...
Posted on 12 March 2015, 14:53 by:
Kalezian Score
Base +8, nolol111 -6, Zantos +6, Hente +6, x0run +6, Victor DoUrden +11, Overl0rd111 +16, Wing X Custom +6, Naiora +6, rubyhiro +7, Kuro Yuuki +4, Qwerty Bam +4, Stonehound +6, and 24 more...
Posted on 12 March 2015, 15:49 by:
gladast Score
Base +4, Victor DoUrden +11, rubyhiro +7, Kuro Yuuki +4, Qwerty Bam +4, Marisa Kirisame +7, sameo15 +2, Bab The Great +3
Base +12, Victor DoUrden -11, Kuro Yuuki -4, Qwerty Bam +4, pureyang +21, Seldan +12, snpaa -6, Hue_Hue +5, Harambee +4, Ksintai +6, rimmys -6
Posted on 12 March 2015, 20:01 by:
Cisla Score
Base +6, Qwerty Bam +4
Base +5, L3nggao +6, Overl0rd111 +16, cenro +6, Wing X Custom +6, Zarx +9, Qwerty Bam +4, sameo15 +2, StonedGamer +8, HodorHodor +7, Bab The Great +3, mnbvcxz11 +6, Poliana +6, and 1 more...
Base +6, Victor DoUrden +11, Overl0rd111 +16, cenro +6, Wing X Custom +6, Kuro Yuuki +4, Zarx +9, Qwerty Bam +4, sameo15 +2, draconian196 +10, Xenan9881 +9, fighterzer98 +7, ShamelessShy +15, and 1 more...
Base +7, Kuro Yuuki +4, Qwerty Bam +4, sameo15 +2, Bab The Great +3, moniker22 +7
Base +5, rubyhiro -7, jackbobby -9, Guggy -7, Kuro Yuuki -4, Qwerty Bam -4, cjlaffe -9, animefan1221 -8, waltergeist -8, Marisa Kirisame -7, sameo15 -2, draconian196 -10, Xenan9881 -9, and 3 more...
Base +5, Wing X Custom +6, protoman9012 +7, Qwerty Bam +4, animefan1221 +8, densetsuvi -6, Spherius +4, sameo15 +2, draconian196 +10, Dinosars +7, xyko1024 -6, fighterzer98 +7
Base +7, Kuro Yuuki -4, Qwerty Bam +4, Vanndril +8, Limited -6, waltergeist -8, Maledictvm -15, Spherius +4, Marisa Kirisame -7, sameo15 +2, Heyhoy -6, sonnytag123 +6, xiphiidae -5, and 10 more...
Posted on 13 March 2015, 17:41 by:
butznutz Score
Base +7, Qwerty Bam +4, sameo15 +2, asriel02 +7
Posted on 14 March 2015, 00:18 by:
kite722 Score
Base +7, protoman9012 +7, Kuro Yuuki +4, Qwerty Bam +4, Vanndril +8, taromilkshake +5, sameo15 +2, Hue_Hue +5, naretla +6, fergul +6, AlbaInsignia +6, Poliana +6, Gogger55 +3, and 2 more...
Posted on 14 March 2015, 01:46 by:
JAN0L Score
Base +10, Qwerty Bam +4, mnbvcxz11 +6, AlbaInsignia +6
Posted on 14 March 2015, 03:28 by:
Crian Score
Base +6, MaxMach +7, inkarian21 +6, Qwerty Bam +4, Vanndril +8, dirtyhairry +14, as102 +9, animefan1221 +8, taromilkshake +5, adfgrtgsdfgsfd +6, belo2468 +5, Commander Kickasss -6, Marisa Kirisame +7, and 42 more...
Posted on 14 March 2015, 04:44 by:
jackal-o Score
Base +5, Qwerty Bam +4, Coolham23 +10, waltergeist +8, Tryndamere95 +13
Base +4, Coolham23 +10, taromilkshake +5, KomeijiFanclub +6, hujkl +9, draconian196 +10, Tryndamere95 +13, Gogger55 +3
Base +6, pureyang +21, Coolham23 +10, sameo15 +2, Ansel +7, StonedGamer +8, Tryndamere95 +13
Posted on 19 March 2015, 15:20 by:
pekekun Score
Base +4, steve evans -7, Dethmastyr -6, sameo15 +4, xiphiidae -5, Hyoros -9, biggieclh +6, TheMaxx01 -7, absolugom -7
Base +4, FakeFx +7, densetsuvi -6, Too_Many_Baka -6, Spherius +4, Ansel +7, steve evans -7, Locutes2011 -6, MisterMonster +6, Kuro Yuuki -6, mnbvcxz11 -6, kIsho Acrerion Orion -1, Hyoros -9, and 9 more...
Base +6, Coolham23 +10, sameo15 +2
Base +6, waltergeist -8, Maledictvm -15, generickitty +6, derped +5, Spherius -4, Marisa Kirisame -7, Ragna20 +5, sameo15 -4, xiphiidae -5, himitsunoningen +5, Kuro Yuuki -6, biggieclh +6, and 4 more...
Base +6, Dethmastyr -6, mnbvcxz11 +6
Base +6, Heyhoy +6, candex +6, mnbvcxz11 -6
Posted on 12 June 2015, 12:29 by:
bakasora Score
Base +11, sameo15 -2, Ansel +7, ShamelessShy +15
Posted on 05 August 2015, 22:30 by:
Mortaza Score
Base +4, ЛЁнчеГ +7, sameo15 +2, Ragna20 +5, Silver_F0X +7, dragonfly82 +6, Ficfactor +8, draconian196 +10, Korou +6, bhodorbox +6, Kerath +6, John Becker +9, HotTiger611 +4
Base +8, sameo15 +2, Ansel +7, StonedGamer +8, Encuilion +6, bogox +2, rubyhiro +7, bhodorbox +6, Korou +7, Dinosars +7
Posted on 05 September 2015, 17:23 by:
Biodeamon Score
Base +6, Marisa Kirisame -7, JoeCoolSoe -5, sameo15 -2, IaNflip -11, Thanatar -6, Ansel -7, naretla -6, XenoSoul73 -6, Heyhoy -6, Rouge・ -30, draconian196 -10, bhodorbox +6, and 3 more...
Posted on 15 September 2015, 23:51 by:
TheChoy Score
Base +8
Posted on 25 November 2015, 17:50 by:
knowall7 Score
Base +6, bowzie -4, xiphiidae -5, Encuilion +6, Yesman71 -8, kishudark -6, rubyhiro -7, Kuro Yuuki -6, kIsho Acrerion Orion -1, Hyoros -9, biggieclh +6, Dylna -6, Sahashi74 -6, and 6 more...
Posted on 04 April 2016, 04:53 by:
Loccsta Score
Base +6, kettodai +5, camelkid11 +6, Galaxy Force +6, Dinosars +7, Haborym +7
Base +15, Hyoros -9, Harambee +4, Kuro Yuuki -7, absolugom -7, fighterzer98 -7
Base +6, Kuro Yuuki -6, buttered_toast +6, Faashit +6, Dylna -6, Voiderer -5, Capi duffman -15, WallBang -6, The Naughty Shrink +6, Xenan9881 -9, John Becker +9, Chojiin -6, Haborym +7, and 9 more...
Base +8, Girewan +4, Dinosars +7, Korou +9, fighterzer98 +7, HotTiger611 +4
Posted on 30 August 2019, 23:39 by:
TrumpWon Score
Base +6, Fofotron +6, fighterzer98 +7
Posted on 19 October 2019, 08:28 by:
lolgay3 Score
Base +7, John Becker +9, Chojiin -6, Return_by_Climax +6, mustardddd +6, fighterzer98 -7, tomu-kun -7, ShamelessShy -15, HotTiger611 -4
Posted on 04 August 2020, 07:52 by:
pihip Score
Base +6, avrelivs +6, fighterzer98 +7
Posted on 06 September 2020, 17:57 by:
Krozam Score
Base +10, fighterzer98 +7, ShamelessShy +15